Monday 14 February 2011

Your Inner Realm...

By Intution Zone
Your inner realm is an internal landscape that serves as a platform and gateway through which you can access your intuitive channels of awareness, receive insights and guidance from your Higher Self, and experience the deeper workings of your subconscious mind.

You can experience and 'enter' your inner realm initially through tools of imagination and visualization.

Your imagination is a gateway to the possible and a bridge to your subconscious and higher realms. It is the boundless palate with which you craft your world and an integral key to manifesting your desires.
If you've come across the law of attraction, and have practiced visualizing goals in some way or other, you will already have had a taste of experiencing an inner reality where you program your subconscious.
With visualizing goals, daydreaming or planning your future, for example, you shut your eyes and envision an inner scene or scenario, thoughts and feelings that encapsulate and epitomize your desired outcomes.

In doing so you are already working with your inner realm and programming your subconscious mind, which will correspondingly manifest your outer world.
"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attraction."
- Albert Einstein

Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is 'real' and imagined, hence the power of inner-seeing, thinking, feeling and believing are all pivotal.

It is the aliveness and substance of emotions that add the true 'realness' to your imaginings, however, and as such they are vital and the most powerful catalysts.
Visualizing is a proactive way to work consciously with your imagination and project your thoughts, feelings and intentions.
"What is now proved was once only imagined."
- William Blake
But your working with your Inner Realm can gift more beyond the bounds of conscious creation.
And this is where it gets very exciting!...
Portal to Higher Realms

You can open to a whole new way of working with your inner realm which will create and allow a two-way pathway between your conscious and higher conscious self - eternal transcendent being that you are.
In the Intuition Zone guided meditations and workbook exercises, you get to experience the insights, messages, answers and solutions that will take you always to your highest path and brightest future! always. You'll be guided step-by-step to experience this for real!
One of the most magical, precious and powerful functions of your inner realm is that it is a gateway to higher realms and the vast all-knowing unconditionally loving awakened self that you really are.
In your Inner Realm you can receive life-changing information from your Higher Self through your inner intuitive channels (the four 'clairs').
You might receive visions, words, thoughts, feelings, flashes of inspiration or knowing, audible words, symbols, pictures, etc.
Your inner realm can serve as a portal to higher awareness beyond the confines of what is otherwise consciously available to you and the limits of your personality self and ego.
You can also access and receive the incredible love, healing, energy and essence of your magnificent Higher Self, and their gifts and solutions, which surpass conditioned and consensus information.

You can literally 'step outside of the box' to experience plateau from where all you need to know can be given and your intuitive genius and psychic abilities unleashed.

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