Thursday 10 February 2011

Love Letter by Psychic Marin

 Feel free to create the “man of your dreams.” You may surprise yourself with how inspiring this exercise can truly be if you allow yourself to get carried away in the possibilities!
This exercise is best performed on a Friday, the day sacred to the Goddess Venus, the Goddess of Love.
1. Begin by gathering a few pieces of paper (I prefer fancy/special paper), an envelope, and a red pen.
2. Formulate your ideas and intent for this love-drawing letter. Are you going to focus on a specific person, or on qualities you wish to find in a mate? Be very specific, and become clear on what it is you want in a relationship. Do you seek compassion? Financial support? A travel companion? Someone who speaks to you in poetic grace? A loving father? Fidelity? A racy night life? Someone to grow old with? Be completely honest with yourself. If you feel happiest in a relationship in which you are financially pampered, don’t be afraid to state that. The more honest you can be in identifying your qualities, the more honest, and therefore “real” this relationship will be.
3. Now identify the type of connection you desire. Do you want this person to fall in love with you instantly, or do you want to begin dating at a slow, comfortable pace? What will the dating frequency be? What will you be doing? Will there be instant fireworks of intimacy, or do you prefer to adhere to conservative values while refraining until marriage? Do you want him to eventually marry you? Will there be children? Monogamy or an open sexual relationship? Independence or codependence?
4. Next, it is time for you to focus on what you are going to offer to the relationship. What will you share in return to maintain a cosmic balance? Do you tend to be more selfish, or more giving? Now is not the time to falsify your qualities. If you are selfish and more withdrawn, you may attract someone with a demanding work schedule, someone who actually appreciates your independence.
Is this aspect of the exercise difficult for you in any way? Is it hard for you to be honest and unveil qualities in yourself that you may think are not admirable? Perhaps you may have not been as clear or honest about these qualities in previous, unsuccessful relationships. Identify any mixed emotions that surface about your personality and decide whether this is an aspect of you that you want to maintain, or something you elect to change.
5. After taking the appropriate time to properly identify the person you desire, how you will connect, and what you have to offer, it’s now time to write this person a letter. Don’t worry, you’re not going to actually mail it, but you aregoing to send it… energetically! Write the person you most desire a very sincere letter. You may even want to give them a name. Explain to them what you seek in them and how you perceive them to be. Continue by explaining how you would most like to connect or meet, and lastly, let them know what you will offer them in return. Sign your name as you magically seal the energy and powerful intent in this letter.
6. Place the letter in the envelope and seal it. Now you have several options for energetically sending this letter. Read it out loud, mail it without an address, leave it in a public place, bury it… Follow your heart, and select a method that seems most appropriate to you

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