Thursday 10 February 2011

You create your own luck - plain and simple.  
And now there's a study that proves this... 
from a recent Reader's Digest Issue. 
Researchers followed 400 people for 10-years, 
trying to find out why some are lucky and others are not. 
The results: you create your own luck based on 
how you think and how you see things. 
Change the way you think, change the way you 
see things and you begin create your own 
good luck and good fortune. 
It's really that simple.  
Researchers found that lucky people are 
lucky because they seize opportunities; 
they create positive self-fulfilling prophecies 
and have a positive attitude that allows 
them to turn bad luck into good luck by focusing on what went right.  
Instead of complaining, they're thankful 
for what happened and look at the positive side of the situation... 
they always see the glass as half full.  
If you're not doing any of the above then you 
may find that you have more "bad" luck than good luck. 
You can begin to change your luck and create 
good luck by training your mind to be more 
positive, more optimistic, be aware of 
opportunities and believe that you can have good fortune. 

If you want to create your own good luck then 
you have to keep an open mind and this means 
that you take a closer look at opportunities - 
don't dismiss those things that seem coincidental. 
If you want to earn more money and a friend 
suggests a potential investment, explore it 
don't just dismiss it outright. 
Unlucky people miss chance opportunities 
because they're too busy looking for something else, 
they're not open to possibilities and feel 
they have to do things a certain way.  
Lucky people will examine what's in front of 
them instead of just focusing on what they're 
looking for, they're more open minded to 
possibilities and are willing to do things a little differently.  
Be open to all possibilities. 
Try a different approach when you can.
Do things a little differently.  
When you regularly do this you get your mind and 
subconscious mind to focus on finding ways to do things. 
That's when luck begins to come your way.
It's all because your subconscious mind begins to 
create the situations for you to succeed. 
But this will only happen when you believe 
you can have good luck and when you believe that you can succeed. 
Start changing your luck today. 
Start believing that you can have what you 
want and good things will arrive.

To prove their point, researchers convinced most of those in the Unlucky group
to try doing things differently.  
Amazingly 80-percent of those who changed the 
way they did things, changed they way
they saw things by focusing on the positive 
rather than the negative, changed
the way they thought, became more positive and 
open minded were not only happier and
more satisfied with their lives... THEY HAD BETTER LUCK!  
A few simple changes led to a better life and 
created good luck while eliminating the bad luck! 
It sounds so simple and it is but for some 
people changing the way they do things,
seeing possibilities and being more open 
minded when they're not used to doing this,
focusing on the good fortune instead of 
the bad luck, changing their routines and
trying a different approach is so different 
from what they're used to doing that they simply can't change. 
Because you're creatures of habit. 
You get into a habit and stick with it.
Then the mind and subconscious mind get used to this habit 
and you can't change it with the snap of your fingers... it's not that easy. 
So what do you do? 
Start changing and breaking those habits 
so that you create new habits that work for
you and allow you to create the kind of luck that you want. 
Train your mind and subconscious mind to 
start working for you by getting those
great powers to move in a new direction. 
Start creating your own good luck today

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