Wednesday 9 February 2011

Achieve Your Goals...

Karim Hajee
Would you like to achieve all your goals?
Would you like to be the person who gets what they want, enjoys
life, has time to spare and is completely fulfilled? Most of us would
love to have that kind of life - but are you committed and dedicated to
making it happen? If not - then nothing will ever get better.

Recently I had a chance to catch up with some people I hadn't seen
in a really long time. Many of them had achieved what they set out to
do when we were teenagers.
But there were a few who were still struggling - you know -
they were trying to figure things out but couldn't understand why
things hadn't improved for them. I explained to them that things don't
get better - you have to make them better.

Nothing changes for you overnight except the passage of time -
which has it's own side effects.

Creating Change is not just about hoping and praying, it's about
doing and being committed. So read on and you'll learn some valuable
tips on how to create changes in your life and start living the life
you want.

If you want to improve your life, if you want to achieve your goals
you first need to make a solid commitment to change or improve things.

Don't take this lightly - because your commitment is the foundation
for change and a better life. Too often I hear people say:
"Oh yeah, I'm going to make a commitment - I definitely want to
change - in fact, as of tomorrow I'm going to make a list and get
Then tomorrow comes and nothing changes.
Instead, they get distracted and forget about the so-called
commitment they made.

A week later here's what they'll say:
"You know I meant to get started last week but I just got too busy.
Something came up - I can't remember what - but this week I'm
definitely going to get started."
The week comes and goes and nothing changes.
There were too many things that come up. Hey - everyday there are
things that come up and if you don't stay focused those "things"
will throw you off track and in the end nothing gets done.
Nothing improves because you were too busy being distracted.
Nothing changes because you didn't stick to your commitment to change.

A commitment to improve your life means you are going to do
everything you can to make sure things get better.
It says that you are going to take action and start by focusing
on what you need to do to create the changes you want. If you don't
stick to that commitment you'll only get distracted. If you keep
that commitment at the forefront of your mind - then when you
sense something coming that could distract you - you'll
take charge and make the time to create the change you want.

If you're in debt and you want to get out of it - then make a
commitment - and start by not taking on any more debt. If you want
to be in a relationship - then start by making it a priority to
go out and meet people.
If you want to get a job - then start going out and doing
everything you can to get a job and keep going until you get things

Making that commitment sends the message to your subconscious mind
- it tells the subconscious that now I'm ready to change and improve
my life so let's get working. 

 Decide What Kind Of Change You Really Want 

Next take a look at where you are and where you want to go.
I often hear from people who want to be millionaires but don't
have a job - there's nothing wrong with that. But in many cases
these people want to be millionaires within 3 months or 6 months.
Sure it's possible. And when I ask them to think of how they can
achieve this goal - here's the most common answer: "I'll win the
lottery." Yes this too is possible. 

But is it likely? What are you going up against? What can you do to
make this a reality besides buy lottery tickets? The answer isn't in
buying more lottery tickets.

The answer to being a millionaire and making millions of dollars is
inside you - you have the answer - you just have to uncover it.
We all have the ability to have what we want, need and more - if we
allow ourselves to work at our full potential. When you work at your
full potential - your mind, spirit and body are all working together
to make the outcome happen. Your subconscious also gets going because
it needs to keep up with the rest of you and it in turn your
subconscious starts creating new opportunities for you.
By going at your full potential you say to your higher power, your
subconscious mind and the universe - hey - I'm ready to do my part.
But when you say: "I'll just buy more lottery tickets."
You're really saying: "I'm too lazy to bother working."
Why then should your higher power help you? 

I also have people who are making 30-thousand dollars a year who
want to make a million dollars within 6-months.
Yes anything is possible - but you also have to give yourself a
realistic chance.

Look at it this way - you're about to run a marathon - but you've
never trained to run in a marathon, and you've never trained to run
more than a hundred yards.
Now suddenly you want to run 20+ miles - and you expect to win -
but you've never trained. Is it likely? It is possible - but is it
likely? Wouldn't you be better off training, getting in shape,
then start by running a mile, 2 miles, 4 miles,
8 miles until you got to the point where you were running 20+ miles
- before you entered the race.

If you want to be successful - you have to prepare and take things
one step at a time while setting realistic goals that you can build on.
If you want to be a millionaire and you currently don't have a job
- start by getting a job or starting a business.
If you currently make 30-thousand a year and you want to be a
millionaire - how about increasing your yearly income first?
Perhaps aim for making and additional 15-thousand a year doing
something else.

Then increase that, and continue increasing it until you get to a

If you want to get out of debt - then start by paying off a small
amount of the debt - then increase the amount you pay off.

If you want to meet the right person - start by going out, then
getting to know people until you meet the person you think is right
for you.

When you keep your goals realistic and take things one-step at a
time - 2 things happen. First you start building your confidence -
which is crucial to your success. Next you start sending the message
to your subconscious mind.
You start telling your subconscious that you can do this, you say
you are improving and you are ready for change and that you are giving
your subconscious the time that it needs to help you get to where you
want to go. 

What you are doing is creating a success consciousness that is sent
directly to your subconscious. It now starts to pick up your
success belief system - and thus greater change takes place sooner. 

Get Your Mind To Work For You
 This last step is the most important because if you don't keep your
mind focused on what you want to achieve - you'll never get anything

The mind will try to convince you to give up. It will tell you that
there's no need to change, that things are fine just the way they
are, or that you'll get to it tomorrow, next week or next year.
Your mind will tell you that you don't have time right now to do the
things you need to do in order to create the change you want.
It will tell you that it's no use things will never get better.
When the mind does this it's simply deceiving you - it's simply
trying to get you to stop and avoid change. The mind does this
because it doesn't want change. 

It wants things to stay the way they are - it's happy in its
misery. But you're not. 

You want change - except your mind is not letting you change. If
you don't stay focused you'll give in to the mind - and nothing
ever gets better. 

This is crucial to your success - because once you release the past
- you open the floodgates for new and exciting opportunities.
Releasing the past takes a little work - but it will be well
worth the rewards.

Releasing The Past

Are you one of those people who sometimes gets trapped in the past
- you know thinking about things over and over - usually these are
events that happened a long time ago - but you just can't stop thinking
about them?

Do you often try to solve events that took place years ago - hoping
or wishing they could be different? Do you sometimes spend hours or
lengthy periods of time trying to understand why something happened
but just can't find an answer? Or do you find that you're just not
ready to move on with life because of something that happened some
time ago - and you just can't get over it - you keep telling
yourself - just a little more time - but this continues to play in
your mind?

If you answered yes to any of the above - you're not alone. There
are millions of people around the world just like you - people who
just can't seem to let go of the past - and in the process continue
to waste their lives away.
Well, in today's edition I'm going to show you how you can release
the past and start living the life you want - and it's really not
as hard as you think.

Over the past few years we've fielded thousands of calls and emails
from people trying to let go of the past. It seems that they
continually think about what was and the way things were.
They also feel compelled to try and figure out what went wrong -
or how they can resolve things. The most common statement is:
"If only I could go back and fix things." Well you can't - and you
shouldn't want to. Because when you focus on the past you deny
yourself the future.

Read on and I'll explain how you can let go of the past - and start
living the life you want. 

How To Let Go Of The Past
In order to begin moving on and letting go of the past you first
have to take responsibility for what happened. I'm not asking you to
accept the blame - I'm just asking you to accept that you did have
a role in what happened and that what happened did in fact happen.

If you seem stuck over a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend -
accept that the relationship did come to an end and that you did
have a role in how it went and how it ended. Let's face it -
if you weren't there it would have never happened.

Don't try to figure out what you did wrong in the past - instead
focus on what you could do right the next time. Learn from your
past - it's a great teacher.

Look at the mistakes that were made and focus on what you can do to
improve it the next time around. If you lost a job - don't say that
you did nothing wrong. Don't blame everybody else and say -
"they did this to me."
They didn't do anything to you. They may have done something that
had an impact on you - but you also played a role on some level.

Focus on what you can do the next time to keep a job and make a
great impression.
Right about now I get this question: "Yeah, Karim - but they just
called me in one day and told me that I was going to be laid off -
they were cutting back. What role did I play?

How did I make that happen?" You chose to stay at that job. You
chose to get comfortable and not look for another job.
You chose not to improve your skills and strive to do better.
These are acts that you have to take responsibility for.
Understand, I'm not saying accept blame.
Now the next time you get a good job you could strive to be better.
You won't get comfortable. You won't ignore an opportunity to improve
your skills. These are some of the lessons that come from that

Every past event, pleasant or not - teaches us something which if
we understand can better prepare us for the future.
Don't focus on what went wrong - focus on what you can do right
the next time. The best way to do this is to think about
what you want next and then apply what you learned.

Create Your Future Today
Hey let's face it - the past is in the past.
It's not what is happening now. It doesn't exist today. That
relationship that ended, that job that was lost, the loved one who
passed away - it's all in the past.
Those things and people do not exist today. You exist today -
and your present life exists today. These are the things you need
to focus on.
In order to leave the past in the past - start shifting your focus
to the things that need attention today.

If you lost a job and don't have work - focus on finding a new job.
Remember the lessons learned from the past experience and get out there and start looking for the next thing. 

Take care of what needs to be done today. If you're in debt because
you lost some money in the past - then focus on what needs to be
done now - making some additional money so you can get out of debt.
If a relationship ended - then what do you want now? Another
relationship - then get out there and start meeting new people.
If a loved one passed away - then focus on what you need to do
today - on your own and begin building a new life. 

I'm not trying to be harsh - I just want to show you that once you
shift your focus to the present moment - your mind will automatically
let go of the past. 

There will be times that your mind will drift back into the past -
that's what it knows so that's where it goes. When this happens you
can simply say to yourself - that's in the past - I'm here now and
I'm focusing on my new life now.

You won't stop thinking about the past right away - but as you
continually do this - your mind will begin to adjust.
When you do it in conjunction with some of the things that I just
outlined - you'll start to move forward and actually enjoy
life again.

Some Final Steps
Another thing you can do is change the way you see past events.
Find a positive spin rather than focusing on the negative. You may
say but that's just the way it is - am I not lying to myself if I
try to see it differently? How do you know you're not lying to
yourself by seeing things the way you do right now?

Your current perception may be to view the events of the past in a
negative light - but how do you know that is real? It's just the
way you see it.Change the way you see things - change your perception
and a new reality unfolds. Look at the positive side of things -
everything has happened to put you where you are now.
You are exactly where you need to be - and you got here because of
past events. 

Now begin focusing on this moment - focus on what you want - and
you'll take the next step - to be exactly where you need to be
in the future. 

Learn from the past, then release it - by focusing on the present,
and see the past as a friend - pushing you forward to where you
need to go. 

Discover Your Calling 
At some point in our lives many of us ask that age-old question:
"Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing that I'm not doing?"
Maybe you haven't asked yourself that question. Maybe you just feel
like you're not getting the most out of life or that it's
become routine - possibly even boring.
The reason why this happens is because you're not following your
passion - or you haven't discovered your calling. 

Each one of us has a separate calling. They may be similar - but
the way we go about it, the benefits we get from it and
ultimately the true nature of that calling is different.
When you are not centered, when you are not following
your calling you end up being restless, agitated, bored and
frustrated. Why is it that some people seem to have such a good time
with life - they're successful, in happy relationships,
comfortable yet not bored? Why? Ask any of them and they'll tell
you - they do what they love - they follow their calling and their

If you find that you're just not enjoying life or feel that you're
not getting the most out of life you may not be on the right
track anymore.

You may not be following your calling.
Let me explain something about "following your calling." 
By this I mean following your passion. Of course in order to do
this you first need to know what your passion or your calling is.
This passion or calling can and likely will change at different
points of your life. That is - your calling or
passion today will likely be different than it was 10-years ago.
That's okay - it's actually a good thing. It's a sign of growth -
and growth is good - now you might say:
"Well, how am I supposed to know what my calling is or how do I
know if it's changed?"
I'm about to help you resolve this.

The first step is to understand and accept that you do have a

That you do have a passion that you can follow. That your passion
and calling will allow you to live a happy fulfilled life. 

Because when you follow your passion, your spirit, or your higher
self, or that part of you that is not tied to the ego - is in
control. It is happy and doing what it was meant to do.
When this happens - that higher part of yourself - that part that
we do not scientifically understand but we know exists -
begins to connect with the universe on a deeper level.
When it does this it brings together the people and events necessary
for you to enjoy your life. I know what you're going to say: "Yeah
but Karim, I don't know what my calling is. What am I supposed to do?" 

Don't worry - you're actually half way home. The mere fact that you
understand you have a calling and that you recognize your need to
follow it is an incredibly positive step. What you need to do
next is begin to tap your inner wisdom and
subconscious mind to guide you - so that you discover your calling
and follow your passion. 

How do you do this? 
First start by telling yourself that you do know what you want to
do. Tell yourself that you do know your passion and that you're ready
to follow it.

Right about now I usually get the following comment: "Karim, I just
said I don't know what I want to do - how can I tell myself I do know
what I want to do when I don't know what my calling is?" 

 Beliefs are picked up by the
subconscious mind and manifested in reality. If you believe that
you don't know what you want to do or that you don't know your
calling or that you don't know your passion - then your subconscious
mind will simply create opportunities for you to be more and more
confused - it will create situations for you so that you don't know
what you want. If instead, you say you do know your true calling,
that you've discovered your true calling, that you are on the right
track and you are following your passion - your subconscious will
start creating opportunities for you that are in line with your
calling and passion. Sometimes these opportunities are simple signs
that would lead you to a path that seems to be off the beaten track.
It may even sound like something completely ridiculous at first

But as you follow those signs, those opportunities, you'll find
that things fall into place rather easily, you'll start to enjoy
the process and then begin to get excited. This can and will only
happen when you no longer let your ego mind dominate.
When you are no longer doing things to impress other people - but
are doing things that you simply enjoy.

Get Your Mind Working For You 
The next step is to start thinking. Put on your thinking cap and
get your mind moving in a new direction. Write if you want -
think about all the things you like doing - don't worry about
how you're going to make money from them - just start thinking
about all that you like doing. If you had a day off or a week off -
what would you do? Don't say: "nothing" - because you would likely
do what you enjoy.

Start doing those things that you enjoy. 
Because when you're happy things start to flow naturally. 

Have Some Fun 
When you enjoy doing something - things start to come together for

As you continue doing this you'll find that there are many things
that you enjoy - things that you may have stopped doing for some
unknown reason. 

Life doesn't have to be painful. It doesn't have to be difficult.
Make some time for yourself - you are just as important as all
those things that you do that tie up your time during the day.

I can only encourage you to take a chance - and discover your true
calling by looking within. The answer is not in a new job, or a new
home or a new relationship - it's within. Let your inner powers
guide you to the life you want and deserve. Start by doing the
things you enjoy - have a little fun - and the road will be wide
open and filled with new possibilities.

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