Wednesday 16 February 2011

Growth Through Sharing

By Taryn Galewind

Learning to Give

What gets bigger the more you give it away? Well, the old riddle is: What gets bigger, the more you take away? The answer is a hole. By changing the question slightly, we’ll find an intriguing answer. The more you give away, the more you may grow in spirit, in wealth, and in self. Skeptical? Have a look at the details.
Growth in Business—expert entrepreneurs find, without exception, that giving something of the business to customers and prospect brings rewards many times the gift. Give your customer a premium, or better yet, give them your undivided attention, and the customer grows more loyal.
Growth in Relationships—No relationship grows out of selfishness. Give your unconditional love freely and watch your heart fill with the love returned to you. Give your unflagging support, and see your partner return much to you in the guise of gratitude.
Growth in Self-Respect and Esteem—If you feel like you could be a better person and you wonder how to grow in to that role, become a volunteer and your crop may be tremendous satisfaction. Give of your time, your energy, and your talents.
Growth in Knowledge—Teach someone something they need to know. Everyone has skills and you can put yours to excellent use. Share your wisdom and watch your knowledge base expand as you learn from your student.
Growth in Material Wealth—The more you’re able to give away to those less fortunate than yourself, the more the universe and karma are likely to reward you.
Growth in Spirit—Share your spiritual goodness with others. Reach out to all around you and ask nothing in return. Every faith, every belief teaches the same concept—your spiritual growth relies upon you sharing with others, in any way you can. Help an older person with chores. Help a child find comfort in the night. Give away hugs at every opportunity.
Growth needs nourishment, and generosity is the finest food. The quality of life grows exponentially as we share goods, understanding, talents, and love. It’s a good day to begin. Reach out to someone and help yourself grow a little

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