Tuesday 22 February 2011

Find Your Inner Truths

By Psychic Liam 

For different people, there will be different truths and different variables that determine whether a situation is workable or not. People like to clutch and cling to notions of universal standards that simply don’t exist in reality. The ugly fact is: it will take a lot of treading through the wilderness of your heart to find the answers. Once you have, those answers will be yours and yours alone.

You’ll have to walk alone on some very dark paths, finding your own inner truths as you go.  When people use such words as “cheating” or “betrayal,” it’s always with this stinging tone of righteous indignation, as if they were robbed of some piece of property.Perhaps your mate's choices that were in direct conflict with certain vows. However, vows are words that only have meaning if value is applied to them. Your husband had his reasons for no longer viewing those words with the meaning they once had. Blaming him for it will not help your situation now. Why is it when the claims of a bad marriage begin, fingers are instantly pointed in the other direction? He did this and she said that. I was wronged… I was hurt… I was abandoned. All of this in a desperate attempt to be absolved of responsibility. If only he had done what you wanted him to do – but he’s human. Humans cannot always satisfy the expectations of others.
If marriage became a battleground of possession and control. Long before he made his choices and told his lies, you two were at each other’s throats in a game of power and dominance. . Instead, you became possessive, fearful and fretting while he became distant and bullying. Now your mate is a wreck. You’re hurt. The fact is: Your marriage can be saved, if you take the initiative to work on yourself and become a strong person who doesn’t need her partner to define her Self.
Look deep inside… Find that lava pit of passion you once had and take it to him. Let your bodies do what your minds cannot. There can be healing in a bed of pleasure and pain – a heat and sorrow to guide you to the next level. Very often people just don’t understand the spiritual balm of ecstasy. Make love in agony… Let it be catharsis. Let it be release. Then start going to therapy. If he’d like to join you for couples counseling, let him know he would be welcome. Don’t pressure him. Holding onto someone we really love often means letting go of things we are holding tight within ourselves. Your mate is a fallible man. He is flesh and blood, and he needs love, too. Quit talking so much, and listen to him for a change. You’ll be surprised that so many of the issues you have with him parallel the issues he has with you. It’s really not as bad as you think. Go to work, and I truly believe the years to come will be far better ones for both of you.

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