Monday 21 February 2011

Guided Meditation for Beginners

Certainly when first learning about meditation and how to carry it
out correctly a person will need some form of guidance. But just
what kind of guided meditation should they actually participate in?
In this article we will take a look at three different methods that
a person may want to consider using.

Yoga Class

This is a great way for a person to learn how to meditate properly.
During your yoga classes the teacher will ensure that you have the
correct posture and are using the correct breathing techniques
throughout your meditation session. You will certainly find that
the feedback they are providing to you extremely beneficial. Plus
they will also help you to learn the right techniques which will
ensure that your mind becomes free and you are able to ignore
distractions around you when carrying out a meditation session on
your own at home.

Listening to a CD

If you are someone who does not have the time or inclination to
attend a yoga class then this is a great alternative way of
learning how to carry out meditation properly. There are lots of
meditation recordings now available online which can take you
through the various steps of the meditation process. All you need
to do is find a location within your home (your bedroom for
instance) where you can just put on your headphones and listen to
what the CD is saying. Plus using this method it is your decision
as to what kind of meditation it is you learn to do.

Reading a Script

If you are someone who finds it difficult to listen to another
person's voice on a CD then you may well discover that reading a
guided meditation script is the best method for learning the
correct way to carry out meditation techniques. It is through these
scripts you will learn the way to prepare yourself in order that
you carry out each meditation session properly. Not only will it
teach you about the right posture positions, but also about how you
need to breathe as well. Also it will tell you the types of things
that you will need to thing about and visualize on during each of
the sessions that you do.

But what of these guided meditation methods you use will depend on
the kind of person you are and should be based on your own
particular desires and feelings and not on anyone else's.

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