Monday 14 February 2011

Let Go The Extra Baggage...

By Karim Hajee

It's time to let go of the things that hold you back and slow you down. 
Those bad memories, bad relationships, that resentment, anger 
and any negative experience you're holding on to needs
to be released, discarded, dumped into the trash along with 
yesterday's news. 
Thinking about those negative events really cripples you. 
It destroys any chance for success and happiness and 
there's no need to hang on to them. 
Thinking about them brings up pain, anger, makes you feel 
sad or gets you depressed. 
With those feelings consuming you there's just no way 
you can be happy and you destroy any chance of great 
success because you're living in the past.
I know it's easy to say: 
"Just let go - move forward, forget about it, just let go." 
But that's easier said than done. 

When you hold on to negative experiences you 
actually block our ability to move forward. 
If you're hanging on to a negative or unpleasant 
experience then you're naturally thinking about it 
regularly. It may consume your mind for most of the day. 
It may be your only focus and it gets you down everyday. 
When that happens you prevent yourself from moving 
forward and healing. 
I'm not talking about memories we all have memories. 
But how many memories do you recall regularly? 
How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday? 
Chances are you're like most people and you have a 
number of unpleasant experiences that you're 
holding on to, and that prevents you from moving forward. 
These negative experiences can be a traumatic event 
that took place during your childhood or a 
fight you had with a friend which resulted in a 
grudge that you carry and because of that grudge 
you no longer speak to each other. 
The more you carry the worse life gets, it's that simple. 
You're carrying useless baggage that's really slowing you down. 
Think of it this way; you're on a hiking trip and 
along the way you keep picking up heavy objects, 
things that really don't serve you but you want to hang on to. 
After a while these objects begin to weigh on you, 
they slow you down and unless you get rid of them 
you'll never get to where you want to go. 
You can begin to let go by simply getting your 
mind to focus on something different. 
Think of positive events. 
Think of positive experiences. 
Think about how you want to improve your life
and start taking steps to make the changes. 
Doing this pushes your mind in a new direction and gives
your subconscious mind a new set of instructions. 
You basically tell yourself and your subconscious mind that
you're moving on and ready for more positive situations in life. 
Your subconscious then helps you by directing you to the 
people and situations that will allow you to move forward and enjoy life. 
Start letting go today. Star living a better, happier life today.

It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on. 
That will help but if you really want to start 
moving on then you have to get your mind to focus 
on new things and in the process you automatically 
let go of the negative events and situations that 
have been slowing you down. 
When you focus on more positive things 
and focus on what you want you begin shifting that
energy and start attracting positive situations 
to help you create the life you want. 
The next step is to create a new action plan. 
Let's face it the past is over so what next? 
Where do you want to go now? 
How do you plan to get there? 
You may not have the answers to all these questions, 
but merely thinking about the options and the future 
forces your mind to go in a new direction. 
When you do this you automatically let go of 
unwanted feelings and emotions. 
Start focusing on what you want to happen. 
Let go of the past and negative situations by 
getting your mind to focus on different things. 
Direct your subconscious mind to help you let 
go by giving it new instructions. Start letting go today

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