Monday 21 February 2011

Start today - Don't waste another moment creating the life you don't want!!!

By Karim Hajee

That one break, that one opportunity, if you could only 
get it would turn things around, get you back on track 
and lead to success and better days.
Today I'm going to show you how to get that break 
so that you begin to enjoy life again. 
That break, that would help you turn things around 
is really the right opportunity. 
That opportunity could be a relationship, a promotion, a job offer,  
a way to make more money, a business, an investment, anything 
that you want... so today I'll show you how to attract and 
discover that opportunity or that break quickly and easily. 

There's a simple way to attract any opportunity you want. 
You only have to follow the process and the results will follow. 
Here's a real life example and it comes from 
someone who has been working with my material. 
Last week I got an email from David Haskin who 
wanted to start up a health care business 
but didn't have the funding. 
His goal was to get the money together. 
David knew some well connected people but 
wasn't getting anywhere with them. 
I suggested he keep working with the material 
and be open to new possibilities. 
Then one day something happened that many 
would say was just pure coincidence. 
But we both knew it wasn't and that there 
was more going on. 
A friend of David's told him about an upcoming 
event and invited David and his wife as his guests. 
That night David met an old friend who had 
been very successful in business and was looking 
for new ventures. 
To cut a long story short; the two partnered and David 
opened his first store 10 months ago and is putting together his own 
private label of health care products. 
I don't think so. 
David had been training his mind and subconscious mind 
on a daily basis; directing them to guide him to the 
right opportunity. 
He followed up with action, and continued doing 
everything he could to get to meet the right people 
and discover the right opportunity to generate 
the money he needed for his new business. 
Finally his subconscious responded and David 
listened to his instincts and followed up on 
an opportunity by simply going to an event with his friend. 
When he met an old friend David didn't turn away, 
he didn't ignore him - he treated him like a 
friend and explained what he was doing and what 
he wanted to do. 
These simple acts helped him secure funding for his 
business and launch what promises to be a lucrative career. 
But this all happened only after he had laid the foundation 
by instructing his subconscious mind to guide him to 
the right people and opportunities - then he trusted 
that it would happen. 
You too can create the situations that will 
catapult you to success. 
When you feed your mind and subconscious mind the 
positive messages to get what you want, 
your subconscious goes out and creates the
situations, and attracts the people to help you 
accomplish your goals. 
But you have to follow up. 
You have to see every situation that comes up as an opportunity. 
You will be guided along the way, and if you focus on making 
the right decisions - you will. 
You also have to follow up by following your 
instincts and taking action.  
Then you create the right situations and 
opportunities to help you accomplish your goals. 
All you have to do is direct your subconscious mind 
to help you achieve what you want by following 
the simple steps outlined. 

How YOU Can Create The Right Opportunities 
First let me clearly state that there is no such 
thing as coincidence. Instead you orchestrate 
everything that happens to you - even what you 
think is a coincidence is created by you on some level.  
You create these so called coincidences or 
opportunities by working with the power of 
your mind and subconscious mind which works 
in harmony with the universe.  
You can create good or bad things in your life 
it's really your choice.  
The negative things that occur, happen because you don't 
properly instruct your subconscious mind to create 
the kind of so called coincidences to help you.  
Or you refused to obey the warning signs that 
come up everyday.  
These signs help you by trying to push you in a certain direction.  
When you fail to follow these signs, things don't 
work out and you end up creating exactly what you don't want.  
Nothing happens by chance.  
You orchestrate every coincidence that happens in your life.  
When you accept this you empower yourself and you're able to 
take back control and direct your subconscious mind 
to attract what you want, when you want.  
Here's how you orchestrate your own apparent coincidences, 
situations and opportunities - including those that work 
for you or against you.  
When you're focused on something, when you think 
about it regularly, when it's a priority in your 
life then you'll begin to notice little 
coincidences pop up.  
When you're calm, relaxed and trust that you'll 
find or get what you're looking for then the 
coincidences become more apparent.  
When your mind is quiet and not filled with 
negative thoughts and doubts then you'll see 
these coincidences happen sooner.
So if you constantly worry, live in fear, or your angry, 
frustrated or just plain negative then you'll 
create coincidences that are negative or lead to more misery. 
You'll attract the people who support what you constantly 
think about and believe. 
You'll also create events that make you believe 
that you need to worry or be angry about something. 
To create your own positive coincidences,  positive opportunities 
or positive events focus on what you want. 
Think about what you want to happen. 
Then begin telling yourself that you're doing the right things
and making the right choices to succeed or get what you want. 
Then trust and let go. 
This may not seem easy but trusting and letting go is 
actually the most important part. 
So the sooner you get comfortable with the process 
the sooner you'll get results. 
Be patient and be alert. 
Watch for little things that come up remember there 
is no such thing as coincidence.
When you notice what looks like a coincidence 
make a note of it and remember the process is 
already at work and soon the right coincidence 
will arrive to help you achieve your goal. 
Remember you will be guided to what is best for you 
all you have to do is follow the signs along the road. 
Read them, pay attention to what appear to be coincidences. 
You can create the life you want. 
You can attract the people that will help you.
You can achieve your goals and be happy. 
Start creating your positive coincidences today...
You too can begin improving your life. 
Yes you can create the coincidences to achieve success, 
happiness and much more. 
Take control of your thoughts and you change your life. 

Remember if you don't do anything, if you don't 
change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind 
to create the life you want everything stays the same 
nothing changes. This is your life! Make the most of it. 

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