Friday 18 February 2011

Break Through the "I Can't" Barrier And Achieve Anything You Want in Life

By Sir Guy Finley
Think for just a moment how different your life would be if you knew -- beyond the shadow of a doubt -- that you couldn't fail no matter what it was that you wanted to do.

Imagine knowing that any feeling you may have of being inadequate is always a lie, and then be able to walk through that fear, regardless of how real it seems to be.

These promises are not a pipe dream, but represent your highest possibilities as a human being. But you already know that! You know that within you lives something that, if it could just be released, has no bounds: a creative force that can no more be contained by some contrary state of consciousness than sunlight can be made to live in a bottle!

The real question -- and it's been asked for thousands of years -- is how do I realize this kind of fearless life? How do I actualize what I know is true in my heart of hearts, so that I see every moment of my life as an opportunity to continue growing and going beyond former limitations?
There's a Plan in Place for You to Outgrow Limitation!

Imagine being able to know that no matter what you meet in life, regardless of how it seems, that it's part of a special plan designed just for your spiritual development.With such knowledge, what challenges couldn't you meet -- what challenges wouldn't you be willing to meet? Even unwanted moments -- where you're thrown "off track" -- would be met with confidence; after all, you're in complete control.
The first and most important lesson of all!
Every challenging, frightening moment of your life is placed there for just one reason: so that you can outgrow whatever doubts and limitations that same moment may have revealed within you.

For instance -- on the positive side -- say that you've always wanted to start your own business, or write your first novel. But the very thought of fulfilling this wish of your heart stirs certain other familiar thoughts like, "No way! You can't do that!Impossible!" In that moment, your hopes are crushed beneath the weight of one hundred negative assumptions, and the dream dies.

But here's the truth about any thought or feeling that says you can't do what your heart longs to do -- or that you can't learn whatever it takes to turn your life around in a whole new direction:

The word, the whole idea of "I can't"... is a lie.
Break Through the "I Can't" Barrier!
There is nothing that youcan't do, nothing. In those moments when it feels like you can't get past some sense of personal limitation, what's really going on is that you're unconsciously identified with unseen parts of yourself that don't want you to become conscious of them. They know that if you dare to go through what they don't want you to... that you will see them for the lie that they are. Here's the bottom line on what you need to break through the "I can't" barrier:

Even though feeling limited seems like a "bad" thing to our present mind, there's nothing actually bad about it at all. Once we learn the proper way to approach these negative feelings, every limitation we meet is actually transformed into a secret doorway to the higher success we are seeking.

When we have this healthy and empowering new understanding, our whole relationship with lifeliterally turns completely around and heads in a bright new direction:
  • Enthusiasm takes the place of skepticism
  • Curiosity takes the place of fear
  • Creativity takes the place of greed
  • Compassion takes the place of resentment
  • Self possession takes the place of stress and worry

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