Monday 14 February 2011

Magic in the Mystery

by Aine Belton
There may be experiences and circumstances in your life that you allow at a deeper soul level or that you chose to experience before coming into this lifetime that serve as opportunities for growth.

These may appear as challenges, even crises or 'dark nights of the soul', through which you will learn and evolve.

It is often the case that knowing about certain key events, challenges or circumstances in advance of their occurring (particularly if they would be perceived as negative from your current view point) could be detrimental to the gifts they have to bestow. Furthermore, if you knew everything that was going to happen in your life, there would be little point in being here!

Your life is not set or predetermined. You are creating your reality in every moment. Whilst there may be key focuses for your soul's growth chosen before you incarnated reflected in areas of your life's path, you are the sole creator of your destiny.

Yet sometimes it can be serving to walk seemingly blind into situations to fully experience their impact and grow from them. This is not the same as naivety or denial, or choosing to create or maintain situations that do not serve you as a way of sabotaging or impeding your growth, or hurting and punishing yourself.

What I am referring to here are soul-level challenges and growth opportunities. These can be in your best interests to remain a mystery until they arrive or are completed.

Even with acute intuitive or psychic abilities, you may not pick up on these events before-hand, and this is because it is in your highest interests and would serve you more that they remain a mystery until they arrive.

Of course, higher wisdom, support and assistance during such times can make a huge difference and heal and guide you significantly through the process.
Challenges can be resolved more swiftly and with greater elegance, and insight, answers and understanding can be gleaned. Clarity, personal power and truth can rein, and the way through be revealed.

You never need go through any challenge on your own. In truth, you are never alone, and there is always help, love, healing and guidance available to you.

My intuition has been my most valuable friend - through darker times in particular - when higher truths and answers have shed light in the dark and offered a map back to the shores of my truer self.

The more you consciously awaken, heal and grow, the less you need to create or attract challenging or jarring circumstances, which are often wake up calls.

These wake up calls may occur if you are blind to yourself and certain internal dynamics or ego agendas that are sabotaging your life path. The more you can become aware of, and liberate yourself from, self-defeating patterns, beliefs and agendas, the less your reality will shout for change via trying circumstances.

These circumstances can be gifts and catalysts for wonderful changes that bring you closer to the loving truth of who you are.

With many of life's learning opportunities, knowing about them in advance can take away potential blessings they hold. Knowing that someone you have just fallen in love with will leave you two years later, for example, would sabotage the relationship and the love, intimacy and romance you would otherwise have experienced during your time together.

It could prevent the unfolding of events, such as in this case the 'heartbreak', that might otherwise lead to the healing of deeper unconscious wounds and limiting beliefs, and the greater levels of self-love, inner resolve, spiritual connection and the attraction of a true love life partner that might be found.

Similarly, knowing that you will be made redundant or loose your job in advance of it happening could send you into a spiral of panic and dread, and yet loosing your job may be part of a bigger picture of dreams come true, a valuable stepping-stone facilitating change for the better and the release of the old to make way for the new. Such may be in alignment with your highest path and the manifestation of your dreams.

Fear and control can run rife and thwart your experience if something 'less than pleasant' is deemed to lie ahead, yet these challenging situations can ultimately bring handsome rewards of transformation, healing, love and an expansion of consciousness. Life will never be the same again, in the best sense.

Spiritual challenges can include losses and heartbreaks, disappointments, crises, set backs or perceived failures and humiliations (to the ego at least), all of which may indeed be blessings in disguise and play a part in the grander design, the bigger picture in the evolution of your consciousness.

This is not to say that you need to struggle in anyway, for it is not struggle I am referring to here. There is nothing noble about struggle, despite some 'old-school' beliefs that still adhere to such. You can grow through joy, and struggle need never be an inevitable or necessary part of your life. Challenge perhaps, but not struggle.

Indeed, the more you chose to consciously grow and evolve, connect to your Higher Self and the love it and the Universe has for you, the less what can be the gentle whispers and nudges of your intuitive guidance need to become deafening yells to assist you in staying true to yourself.

The more you disconnect from your authentic self, your heart, the greater the wake up calls can become to bring you back to centre. It is you who creates these of course - you are certainly not victim to them. They are not punishments from the universe in this sense. It is you that is attempting to reclaim yourself from the clutches of ego. These challenges, or crises even, might be experienced as uncomfortable or painful, yet they can assist you in a return to greater truth, love and freedom.

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