Friday 25 February 2011

Daily Spiritual Practice

One of the keys to living an authentic evolutionary spiritual life is having a spiritual practice that you're actively engaged in.

Let's face it though. We are living and doing our meditation in a world that would be totally unrecognizable to the great, enlightened luminaries of ancient times.

Before Buddha awakened under the Bodhi Tree, he wasn't dealing with spam, computer viruses, voicemail, insurance claims, credit ratings, childcare, coordinating busy schedules, or any of the other complexities we face on a daily basis.

Human life has improved tremendously in so many important ways, and yet in other respects we face challenges to our serenity and happiness that could scarcely have been dreamed of three thousand years ago. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Just picture this. How amazing would our lives and world become, if we all had a deeply fulfilling,daily spiritual practice  that we could actually do?

For the last three decades, Terry, who is the co-author with Ken Wilber of the best-selling book, Integral Life Practice has been on a quest to find these answers and will be sharing his core insights and learning about cultivating an authentic, integral, spiritual practice on the call.  

It is a question worthy of contemplation because the right answers can change our lives for the better and heal our planet.

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