Friday 25 February 2011

Goodbye to Depression...

As per Dr. Karim Hajee :- It starts with a touch of the blues... 

Then it gets worse... goes on for a few days... then a week... and before you 
know it... you're sliding into a depression. It's just not a way to live. 

And Now you don't have to battle depression or the blues everyday... all the time. 

The reason why most people end up in a depressive 
state for a prolonged period is because they begin 
to focus on the worst possible outcome, they look at how things will 
go wrong and before they know it... they alter the chemistry of their mind... 
and they re-program their subconscious mind... 

Their mind's actually change and stop producing the chemicals 
to help them enjoy a happy, rewarding life. Their subconscious mind 
begins to bring more of what they don't want. But it doesn't have to be that way. 

You don't have to feel down and out, tired, and depressed.

Now you can program your mind and subconscious mind so that 
you enjoy happiness, wake up feeling alive, look forward to 
going out and finishing what you set out to accomplish... you'll 
get more done and you'll enjoy it. 

There is another way... one that will put a bounce back in 
your step, put a smile on your face, and make you want to bask 
in the sunshine again as you achieve your goals.

Imagine being able to finish up all those projects... 
going out and meeting friends on a regular basis... never 
worrying about what might go wrong or what you might do wrong... 
knowing that you're in the right place at the right time... 
feeling confident, energetic and ready to light up a room when you walk in... 

Now you can be the person you want to be... 
Free from worry, fear and self doubt... confident in your 
ability, confident that everything is working out and 
knowing that you are succeeding... 

All you have to do is get your mind and subconscious mind 
to focus on your positive qualities, to focus on the 
positive events and to focus on how you can succeed and enjoy life again. 

Once your mind and subconscious mind are moving in a positive direction, 
life becomes easier... what seemed like mountains that had to be overcome 
are merely small mole hills that you can step over instantly... 
troubles fade away and solutions surge forward... 
Direct the power of your mind and subconscious mind today so 
that you start living the life you want now...

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