Thursday 4 November 2010

Psychic Workout for Inflow of Money and Oppertunities....Psycich Marine

You may have heard the saying that “intent is everything.” This is especially true in today’s job market! If you’re unemployed, or seeking a job change without success, these tips can help you find faith in yourself and steer you into a life-long career. 1. Know Yourself
What do you want to do for a career? Sure, you had the opportunity to ponder over career ideas when you were in high school, but you need a job now. You are desperate, so anything will do… right? Wrong! Perhaps your job loss was an opening for you to create change in your life and guide you towards your true passion. Instead of harboring the bitter attitude that you are down-and-out and unemployed, allow yourself the freedom, without criticism, to focus on what it is that you really want to be doing. This will not only give you the motivation to go out and job hunt, it will narrow your search to a specific field where you can focus all of your intent and provide the passion that will make this a life-long joy as opposed to just a job.
2. Have Faith in Yourself
When you have a belief in a higher power you can call on, and faith in yourself, you have the ability to work miracles (such as landing a fabulous job when employment is at a record high). When you have exhausted all other options, and want to try this new approach to job searching, rediscover the faith in yourself. Take a walk, reminisce about more abundant times in your life, or meditate on bringing forth the memory and feeling of confidence. Now take this energy and craft it into naming your dream job. Go ahead and manifest your job by writing it onto a piece of paper. Don’t forget to include the following specific details: the type of environment, hourly wage, the people you will work with, and the hours. See yourself in this position and allow faith and confidence to be transmitted to the universe and into the reality of your designed job.
3. Banishing and Manifesting
Yes, you can go out and buy all of those nifty spell books, but true magick comes from within, and an understanding of how the energies of the universe function. Become aware of your thought patterns and what types of energy you are responding to or creating around employment. Are you constantly manifesting fear in your thoughts or pushing that emotion away by staying confident and positive by knowing that your new job is just around the corner? For whatever reason, many people have a unconscious belief surrounding money that convinces them that they do not deserve abundance. Be aware of this emotional response and ask yourself, “Am I unconsciously pushing away success ?” Instill your thoughts with the notion that you deserve to find happiness as you become consciously aware of your emotions around money. Push the negative emotions and energies away from you and pull the positive energies towards you through prayer, meditation, and ritual.
4. A Little Magick Never Hurts
Following are some quick money tips that can add an element of fun into your job searching and help you to retain a positive and creative state of mind.
- Every day, “plant” or leave a penny somewhere in a public place where you spread the wealth and show gratitude to the higher power by acknowledging your growing abundance.
- Sprinkle a little cinnamon into your wallet to keep the money flowing and abundance coming into your life.
- Create a “Job Oil” blend by using Almond or Jojoba oil as the base oil, and add essential oil of Benzoin, salt, cloves, and mint. Use the oil to anoint your third eye when preparing your resume, or going to job interviews. You may also use it to lightly dress your resume paper, or “thank you for the interview” card that you send to the potential employer. Do this by dabbing a little onto your pointer finger (your finger of power) and touch the paper. Be careful not to make an oil mark on the paper.
- Concentrate and light a candle for job success. Traditionally, orange or green are the colors that are used. You can decorate your own glass enclosed candle or carve messages of desire into a wax candle, then light it and allow it to burn out to its entirety.
- When handing someone money, always fold the bill, with the folded end towards the recipient, so your riches don’t escape.
- Rub your hands with a little mint before conducting any money making activity.
5. Timing
You may have received the “Thanks-but-no-thanks” letter in the mail, or had a series of disappointments around potential jobs. Perhaps the timing was just a little off, and now that you are approaching your job searching with this new method, the dream job will now become available. When working with moon cycles, the new moon phases to the full moon are best for growing and creating the sense of abundance. This is the time advised for sending out resumes and scheduling job interviews.
As you adopt these new techniques in your job hunting, pay attention to life’s clues and synchronicities that are telling you that you are right on track.
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas Edison

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