Thursday 25 November 2010

Gratitude & Abundance!

Certain states of consciousness hold a resonance field that accelerates
the manifestation of your desires.
Gratitude is certainly one of them!
Gratitude is a generating energy that will serve to attract more of
anything you feel grateful for into your life.
In that sense it is a powerful abundance ally!
Gratitude aligns you to, and subsequently attracts, that which is for
your highest good, and opens you to more of the love, joy, gifts and
blessings the universe wishes to bestow.
Along with appreciation, gratitude opens your heart, raises your
energy, and elevates you from even the darkest of states.
In feeling grateful for something or someone, you essentially
'receive' it, as well as give to it from your heart, which effectively
aligns your vibration to it, and directs your focus, attention and
energy towards it, attuning your heart and mind to that which is
Whatever you focus on grows, so when you appreciate someone, see their
value and beauty and feel grateful for it, those qualities will expand
and grow in your life.
When you focus on everything in your life you have to feel grateful
for, and all the wonderful things, experiences and people you
appreciate, the universe hands you more of the same!
It's a wonderful abundance expanding experience!
Gratitude is the sweet song of appreciation. It turns an experience,
person or event into a gift that is received, for when you appreciate
and feel grateful, you literally let the experience/quality in, and
you also give to it. It is a wonderful exchange of positive energies.
When you feel grateful you experience more of your love, which enhances
your state in a beautiful magical way.
You also get to experience all the beautiful qualities of that which
you feel grateful for all over again!

"Gratitude is a powerful tool. If you will allow yourself to feel
grateful, your processing and programming can work immeasurably
better... As you feel grateful for what you have, you start having
more things about which to feel that gratitude."
- Lazaris

Keep a gratitude journal and write down at the end of each day
10 things you feel grateful for over the last 24 hours to assist you in
experiencing more of this wondrous, generative, heart-opening energy.
When you do so, be sure to connect to the heart-felt feelings of
gratitude, i.e. don't just make it a mental box-ticking process - really engage your emotions.
Add to that list a few things you are grateful to YOURSELF for,
positive qualities, actions, traits and demeanours, how you've
handled your day or any situations, how you've taken care of yourself
or been kind to others, etc.
And lastly, be grateful to the FUTURE you're creating. You are a
powerful manifesting being and when you begin to feel grateful for
the dreams you are creating and person you are becoming, you begin
to attract them more powerfully into your life, for you give the
message to your subconscious mind they have already manifested.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this very helpful and insightful article! I will start a gratitude journal right away. I have seen this to be true in my life - gratitude has always attracted more joy and success into my life. Thank you!!!
    Gypsy Taub
