Tuesday 16 November 2010

How to recognize Your Little Inner Voice...By Michael Maestorm

1. Listen to your still, small voice.
You know, the voice I mean. The one that doesn't make any sense. The one telling you to take that leap and do the thing that doesn't make any sense. That one.
2. Write down all your crazy ideas.
I'm not saying you should do all of them. But what the heck, they're rattling around in your head anyway. Writing them down gives you the chance to examine them and stop the rattling.
3. Share your crazy ideas with a Loving Mirror.
A Loving Mirror believes in you more than you believe in yourself. Like Mr. Han did with Dre. Like Will did with Jaden.
Your mentors believe you into being.
Here's a great example: Most of the people who audition for American Idol can't sing. But they have a dream, and at least they showed up for it. They took action. They did something.
Sure, maybe they'll embarrass themselves. But it's better than sitting around thinking, "If only I'da..."
And who knows? Someone's gotta win the thing.
5. Learn from people who've already been where you want to go.
Mr. Han was a kung fu master, but if Dre hadn't had the courage to ask for his help, he still would have been beaten up by bullies.
Find 5 people who've done what you want to do.
Contact them and show them how, why, and that THEY will benefit from helping you.
Remember The Power of WIIFT: What's In It For THEM! Things get very easy when you're always talking about how the OTHER person benefits.
6. Ignore everyone else.
"The only people who can tell me I can't do something are people who've tried it and failed."
People love to criticize, because it makes them feel important and justifies their not taking action.
Ignore them, feel sorry for them, let their non-belief spur you to more action. The only thing not to do is let them stop you.
7. Do the thing you're afraid of.
Will Smith has said over and over: "When I'm afraid of something, that's the thing I do next."
I loved it when Jaden's character in the movie said the same thing, nearly word for word.
I know you've had the experience of being deathly afraid of something...
Then you did it...
And went, "Hey, that wasn't so bad after all. What was I so afraid of?"
Follow your heart and you'll discover that you have more courage than you think.

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