Monday 15 November 2010

Loving Authentically

By Psychic Brendalynn
The power of authenticity and its quantum impact on humanity are big beyond measure. There are countless ways authenticity is lovingWhen we are completely ourselves in friendships and love relationships, we feel good in them – therefore we are loving ourselves rather than forcing feelings that aren’t there. It is loving to others because what they see in us is truly what they get. There will be no surprise when our true colors show because our true colors have always shone through. We honor the intelligence of others by giving them an opportunity to make an informed decision about whether we resonate to them. The more authentic we are in relationships, the more authenticity we will draw into our life. When we are authentic our presence magically liberates others to be authentic. With some time and practice the games and drama fall away.

Have you ever had a job that you loved to go to? Imagine going to a job feeling aligned to your potential and higher purpose. It doesn’t matter what the job is. What matters is the energy of joy you and your colleagues bring. If you enjoy feeding hungry people, you might find joy in preparing and catering beautiful elaborate meals, or you might find joy in watching someone sink their teeth into the best juicy cheeseburger in town. Either way you will prosper.
Initially prosperity follows joy. With a little time prosperity and joy merge into one because the two energies blend, resonate and compliment each other. Whether it is a job or a relationship, if we are there for the joy of it, we spread love and happiness instead of despair and frustration.

Your Path to Authentic Joy

You can start identifying your joy and some barriers (real or perceived) with a notebook. Ask yourself some questions like: “If money, status, and education weren’t a factor…what would I be doing right now that would bring me joy?” “If I didn’t consider the opinions of others, what would I be doing right now that would bring me joy?”
Once you see a path to joy, you will find ways around the barriers you have. You may find that a lot of barriers are fears within you. List your fears in your notebook and evaluate them. Take a realistic look at your barriers in a fact-finding way rather than emotional.
Here are some suggestions to keep in mind:
Be kind and present to yourself like you would be to a friend.
Give yourself permission to change your mind.
Give yourself permission to not know every answer about yourself.
Be a friend to yourself like you are to others.
Avoid the word “should” when it comes to your feelings and preferences.
Avoid judging yourself.
Avoid defining yourself based on what you do for a living.
Above all, keep a sense of humor. The human condition can be hysterical!
Have fun exploring! If you run into some frustration or fear, just remember your joy is right around the corner…You are worth it!

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