Tuesday 23 November 2010

My Dear Daughter...

My Dear Daughter…
BY Ivy Banerjee

An Answer to a Prayer!!!

Dear Baby...

U Are The Sweetest Answer which God Gave Me For A Silent Prayer I.... Sent to HIM!!!

So May God Give You Too...

For Every Storm... A Rainbow...

For Every Tear... A Smile

For Every Care... A Promise

And A Blessing In Each Trial...

For Every Problem Life Sends.. A Faithful Friend to Share..

For Every Sigh...A Sweet Song...

And An Answer for Each Prayer...

Love U Mummy.. :)

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for”.
(((..that's My Girl...)))

Without YOU , tomorrow wouldn't be worth the wait and yesterday wouldn't be worth remembering …

MY Dear Daughter...

05.march 2005 :-This is a real shaky moment for me.....Everybody's anxiously waiting for the arrival of a STAR....YOU.....I am engrossed with my state...worried about your arrival....wishing GOD... The GOD of Gods.... Lord Shiva.... for a healthy YOU....Medicines dripping into me....perhaps doing there best to calm my ruffled nerves...14 hours of that sweet pain which every mother perhaps undergoes....I walked up to the labour room.....once...twice...Then the most fearful moment of my life...Momma went stiff...U had stopped moving...The doctor was closely monitoring your uneven heartbeat...encouraging me at the same time not to lose hope....I prayed with all my might...I did not let a tear drop out...perhaps u did not want momma to get weak..."YOU HAVE TO COME BACK TO ME!!!" my soul cried out TO YOU!!! silently and steadily I kept praying....And then everything went dark...I was closing my eyes...Leaving everything on to GOD.....I saw a beautiful LIGHT......in the shape of a star....That was U....MY GUIDING STAR....COME BACK my soul cried out....and I opened my eyes.....The DOC...later on to be Your Godmother made me walk to the Operation Theatre...with Daddy holding on to mamma's hand....AND there lo behold I could actually see U Moving inside me....THANK YOU! THANK YOU !!! THANK YOU GOD!!!! My soul cried out....sweaty with pain and relief....I knew had to be a baby GIRL!!!! No SON in the world would have connected so loudly and clearly with his to-be-mother....THANK YOU Honey....Mamma loves you!!!

We all know...A man who travels alone ..travels the fastest..My daughter teaches me how to travel together....
God’s Gift So Pure…

I looked into those deep deep eyes.....and i feel an internal peace....as if a message being transmitted from the masters of a higher plane.....solemnly declaring my fears away....IVY!!! a far away voice calling me....I don't feel like responding....IVY??? someone questioning my presence. I jerked out of this beautiful world with a start. My Husband standing beside me was gently patting on my shoulders ...trying to bring me out of this peaceful trance. He handed me my cellphone and urged me to talk into it...my best friend had called...My friend..my guide..my soulmate....TANNI!!! all bundeled into one exclusive friendship package.....lifetime free... no initial charges...what else would one require to say yes!!! She was silently waiting for me to collect myself...and then congratulated me...Something burried deep into my heart seemed to brim over and roll down my cheeks...she was awfully happy and took the very next flight avaiable to visit our guardian angel....what a stroke of luck it was that even the royal priest of HER EXCELLENCY had sent his blessings through her....Another unexpected gift from GOD....

There are two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, Wings…

My Dear Baby....

This is my third letter to you...hoping you would go thru this when you probably feel low during those difficult times when Mummy seems too small a word....this is just to remind you that mummy has gone through the very same troubles dear...you know the rebellious teens and the troublesome twenties.....when she was your age...if that's of any help to you so that you feel free to talk about it. It doesn't matter what we talk about really what matters most is the invisible line of connection we create in spite of the time and distance between us....You know dear the medical Science says that when a tiny brain grows... continuous development of a circuitry network of neurotransmitters and jumpy dendrites branch out for your psychological protection creating a software or a blue print of patterns in ur little brain designed to keep you safe and help you thrive...to deal with your future....and do you know the continuous GUIDE is the Mother...leading you thru the pros and cons of every tiny situation you face...be it the Dog next door...or the Car round the corner of the lane while you happily toddle hand in hand with mommy knowing you have nothing to fear.........Dear baby...I still remember how penetrating and demanding your look was when I first lifted you into my arms...Judging and demanding a stronger human being than yourself...You don't realize the kind of subtle strength (possibly upherited from you) i felt when i first held you ...while you happily cooed away into the crook of my arm .....YOU are my strength and mark of my existence....Always remember dear no matter what Mommy would always look up to you...anytime...always...

Homework Pains.....

Its been a tough day for Mummy darling...and you have decided to try out all my patience...as an added incentive... "Ma'am has given homework .Mommy." I hear a small voice...Couldn't imagine it came out from U...always such a bubbly kid.....sounding so down..."We sit for home works everyday darling.....and you seem to enjoy them...what's so scary today...?" I reply patiently and reach out for the school Diary.
She tries to push it behind her. THERE!!!!!...... (I make a quick Guess)... lies the Origin of the small voice....I firmly ask it to be given.....and i open it.... to find the School Diary in a mess...Pages torn and all scribbled up in her tiny handwriting....with a pinned note from her class teacher (like a hidden shilling in the Christmas pudding).....requesting a A Parent Call!!!
I groan and fret while my husband stands by the door faking anger....smothering possibly a ear to ear grin..(Always such a hard task master.... strangely ...He seems to always enjoy any damn mischief played by her...). I feel like screaming my head off!!! "This is what I get after a hard days work..." I shout...which made U further shudder and scurry off behind DAD ...your only refuge...supporter...fortress.....during these special times.....I try to calm myself down and call u beside me...How did this happen darling??? and U(can u imagine????) broke off into giggles as one sharing those special moments with your best friend....giggles...those infectious ones and...and I laughed with U unable to restrict myself further. We laughed together...The familiar tinkle in your laughter which I try to recognize and find it buried deep inside me.....I hadn't laughed so openly in years...Later I found that U had one of those happy times in school today when one of your subject teachers was absent and One of the Seniors had come to mind the class.....U had coolly scribbled your happiness of the moment in this chosen DIARY...which is updated by the Class teacher at the end of each day...!!! And as a matter of fact.... today was no exception the class teacher had entered her choicest vocabulary to describe your feat of the day plus an open invitation to us to UR classroom the next day!!! These childish feats would get over when u grow up up baby but...U need to know that the School Diary is a matter of Pride for Every Student...and it is the FACE of Every School... so U should always respect it... and involuntarily get respected.....


Dear Baby,

There are some instances in our childhood which have a marked impression through the rest of our lives. Today while you were happily listening to one of your cherished bed time stories....U eagerly came up with some incident which occurred in your day-care centre.....U had made some "real good buddies" as you usually address for your group of friends there....U were excited about a new friend...And u eagerly described her features as "tall and black "instead of tall and dark. I was shocked but controlled myself and patiently corrected your statement....(Somebody possibly an adult must have commented about the poor child's feature that way ) 'cause I was dead sure this was not your way to usually describe anyone......Somewhere deep within I was hurt...this was unexpected from YOU otherwise such a sensitive and considerate child....But still I realized you were a child...who needs continuous guidance....I made some subtle changes in the story which I was telling you to make you understand that the chief causes of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up in childhood....and....No one in the world can make you feel inferior without your own consent...Dear baby always remember Lots of friends would want to ride with you in your shiny,new bicycle but...what you really need deep within is someone who would play with your rag doll even when your bicycle breaks down....This is how you come across true friends....Momma will always love you.....

All Girls are SISSY.....

Dear Baby....
I still remember the day....when you had caught daddy unawares with his usually so downright comments that he still bites his tongue every time he thinks about it....Daddy was reading his Morning newspaper with You beside him (you followed him like a pet dog when he was home ...into the garden ...or...waiting outside the bathroom till he finished....U acted as if you owned him day in day out...and guess what?... he seemed to adore it I guess....though he never verbally agreed to it.) busy playing with your stuff toys...yellow duckling and Mickey mouse when a sudden realization enlightened you..and u were out with it instantly...
"DADDY....what is Mickey's girlfriend's name? "
He seemed to be in a fix... almost giving a visual groan while his eyes frantically searched for some hint looking at me...but obviously wouldn't let you know that...He knew you actually worshipped the ground he tread on...Yippee a sight for the sore eye Daddy actually looks wary!!!!
So he came up with the spontaneous answer....."Hey..u dunno??? It's Sissy..."(I Almost laughed out aloud visualising the cartoon network team's alarm in trying to baptise Minnie to Sissy...) and sat back uncomfortably with the newspaper waiting for an uproar...but not for long...
You actually looked up at him your lips pursed in contempt and answered "No!!! Its Minnie!!!! Daddy..."
"NO? ... Oh Okay... u knew it all the time.... but what difference does it make?"
was his wary reply...
"No its not the same!!!" u reply back
"Yes it Is" he insists..
"Why?" u retort back
"Because all girls are sissies..." he replies with an uncomfortable sigh..
"But I am Aastha...not sissy..." u blurt out confused face puckered into a frown...
"But you are not ANY girl...darling...U r MY baby" he tries to correct himself at a loss of words...
U revel under the compliment....Glowing (TOUCHE) u kisses him...and he smiles relieved...
Again u come up with it....
"Daddy....what does sissy mean?"Groan!!!! Not again...he clears his throat "Ahem...it means" gulp..."it means..."
"Yes Daddy...I am listening" you prompt
"Well it means....sissy.." he whispers looking from the corner of his eye making sure I am not listening...
"But..." U don't let go easily.
I was in splits...my sides aching with controlled laughter....
"NO" I reply laughing silently and very gently explained what it meant... (while daddy very conveniently slipped off to take a bath....obviously gasping with relief ,giving me grateful look and mouthing a 'Thank U'!!!)
Love u Sweetie pie...

I Know Who You Are....

Dear Baby....
Remember the last time you got a nice piece of my mind along with a firm spanking till your bottom was sore....I still remember your impudence or call it insolence (your daddy categorises it to be presence of mind when you are the victim)....God save me from both of you...(SMILE :))) Someone very wisely commented on the passage of time...Time is like a swiftly flowing river with no shores...no boundaries. Seasons here were not winter, spring, fall or Autumn...but celebrations and birthdays, joys and sorrows, troubles and pains.....one small remark or rebuke....But mainly its our children who are times' calendar ...a reminder of how quickly the years are passing by....how quickly the remark "Mummy knows best"... changes to "I know what is the best"....You were being painfully difficult during bedtime as usual...you came up with the liveliest news of your school...mimicking your friends...the school guard...the daycare superintendent...and not to forget your Class teacher.....the usual target and armour .... The day before you announced that your class teacher had asked to take a big box of chocolates nicely wrapped in wrapping paper for the lucky draw contest in your school( probably every child was instructed with a different gift)....but you took your own liberty to make everyone feel lucky...by actually unwrapping it the moment you stepped into your classroom and distributed it to every living soul you came across...even the potted plants placed on the window sill of your classroom....And then… followed..... an elaborate reprimand from your class teacher in your school diary summoning a parent call again!!!! I was at my wits end....but decided to go easy on you...after all you just did the splendid act of generosity and sharing....but jumping up and down the bed really made me loose my cool and what your dad refers to a dreadfully threatening tone with my teeth clenched...and deadpan look on my face I say...."Aastha don't you think that you are getting too many ideas this time" (you slow down.. quickly scurrying of into bed). I continue...."You haven't known me yet!! I ahem....."
"Yep...I Know you...You are Ivy...IVY Banerjee" you retort back....and that did it..Daddy went into a fit of uncontrollable giggles while I distastefully took refuge behind the kitchen duster....What else???? don't ever change LADY...we all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take little of each other everywhere with us...you remind me of my Childhood....
Love you always... ;)

Dear Baby.....
When U are able to read this letter... probably now...which would be drawing a smile on your lovely face..Aah!!! I already see it coming...
Daddy says "She is a wild cat always on the prowl" and surprisingly how right he is this time...;)))U almost had him swallow his heart which had popped right into his mouth due to your naughty pranks...The other day....You tried to catch a lizard which had somehow managed its escape from your vice like grip leaving its lifeless wiggling tail behind in your hand...and i remember how delighted you were watching the movements of the now lifeless tail...and in a while you were discreetly placing it inside Daddy's lunch box...My how I had screamed my heart out on opening it (that too on your request )!!!how mindless of me no???(smiles)....Then was to follow all the basic requirements of washing and disinfecting your busy hands and daddy's lunchbox....
Luv u Dear...
Just try and be a bit gentle with God's creations...if u love them my little angel...

Animal Bug...

Dear Baby....

Remember the day you went berserk with joy....on discovering a litter of about 11 pups in the neighbourhood...befriending them as if they were next to your kin...a spotted one being your favourite...The other day you brought it inside the drawing room coaxing and cajoling Daddy....assuring him that both of you would behave...He seemed to give in to your whims easily (as was the practice) warning you that he would not be a part to any kind of disaster...you happily sat with it on the couch entranced by its swiftly wagging tail...passed on a comment or two like "it looking like" noodles"... and then "it looks tasty"....God only knows what got into your head and you bit it on the tail ( well you did not specify on behaving good or bad to daddy of course justifying your actions)...followed by a cocktail volley of canine and human yelping and yelling....daddy on the brink of collapsing gasping and sputtering with anger as he sat dazed by the day's proceedings... the poor pup frightened out of its wits...(though u later nursed him like an angel), God save me...

AASTHA The Prankster…Aastha the Prankster...
Dear baby...
I just wanted to share ur pranks with some of my friends and this is what they have to say
thats called bieng a kid ... and not to mention their profound love for animals
Yesterday at 3:25pm ·
Subhajit Deb
Subhajit Deb
I love Aastha....can i have her please?
Yesterday at 4:20pm ·
Ivy Banerjee
@subho hmmm....Yeah i was actually on the verge of planning to hand her over to any passing stranger...u did well to come along in the right time...(wink...)....the offer includes her dad as well....think bfore u leap...
Yesterday at 6:15pm ·
Ivy Banerjee
@ Suchismita...right u r...iwas somewhat like that...thanx for reminding...
Yesterday at 6:16pm ·
Paromita Sinha Dutta
Hahaha.....such eventful days u have with these little ones :D....at times cant even decide whether to laugh or cry, can very well understand kaltus reaction....but best part is u end up with a smile when u look back...
Yesterday at 8:26pm
Nivi Roy Sen
Aastha has most definitely got it from u ,i think ......i still rem the dog that u had as a kid who used to wander off at times n the hilarious stories that v got 2 hear abt it from time to time....if i'm not mistaken his/her name was "Bhondu" na???
Yesterday at 8:26pm ·
Subhajit Deb
Im still thinking....i never quite liked the "take the baby and get the father" deal.....
13 hours ago ·
Ivy Banerjee
Nibedita...u needn't of mentioned that obnoxious name!!!
4 hours ago ·
Ivy Banerjee
@Marian...is there anything to like...in this...??? chalo i see aastha is going to make a nice brat of herself with all of u around to support her...@Paro...right u are...but i don't want to look back at this situation again...;)
3 hours ago ·
Ivy Banerjee
Good ...shubho...heeding to my advice of think b'fore u leap??..chalo atleast somebody's is listening to me...;)
3 hours ago ·
Subhajit Deb
I always listen to nice & pretty women like you!
about an hour ago ·
Ivy Banerjee
ps.They r all ur Fans baby...Luv Mummy...

"The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tight, the best way to keep love is to give it -- WINGS!"

There was once a lonely girl who longed desperately for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving song birds. She took them home and put them in a small glided cage. She nurtured them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a marvelous song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever.
One day the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl watched anxiously as he circled high above her. She was so frightened that he would fly away and she would never see him again that as he flew close, she grasped at him wildly. She caught him in her fist. She clutched him tightly within her hand. Her heart gladdened at her success in capturing him. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp. She opened her hand stared in horror at the dead bird. Her desperate clutching love had killed him.
She noticed the other bird teetering on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom. His need to soar into the clear, blue sky. She lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times.
The girl watched delighted at the bird's enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody, she had ever heard.

I loved you the minute you were born...Then I saw your face and fell in love some more. You were only a minute old but I knew I would die for you, to this day I still would...I love you more than Life itself :))))

My dear Little Sweet heart....

Dear Baby...
This one is surely going to pass from this generation to the other ... you were your usual busy self throughout the day today...until i found out what was keeping you busy...You were busy at the backyard garden happily squashing some lizard's eggs (which u had discovered a few days back while doing Nature Study with Daddy under the hibiscus bush) trying to have a look at the babies inside... and was successful too with a few of them and watched fascinated as they awkwardly crept out from there safe haven under your merciless watchful gaze until you saw me watching wide eyed with horror(which of course sent u scampering off to Daddy)...You sometimes really give me the creeps...will soon post the pic (clicked by your proud daddy) of one of the unfortunate ones which you were lucky enough to smuggle in to our living room comforter... Ugh...
Another Small Story for U...
I ran into a stranger as he passed by,

"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.
He said, "Please excuse me too;

I wasn't watching for you."

We were very polite, this stranger and I.

We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,

How we treat our loved ones, young and old.

Later that day, cooking the evening meal,

My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.

"Move out of the way," I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.

I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,

God's still small voice came to me and said,

"While dealing with a stranger,

common courtesy you use,

but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

Go and look on the kitchen floor,

You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.

He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,

you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."

By this time, I felt very small,

And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;

"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.

"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"

He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.

I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."

I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;

I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."

He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.

I love you anyway."

I said, "Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

 Love U J)

May God BlessYOU (A Lesson for a Lifetime)


God Said NO!!

I hope that you can get the effects on your computers!

The words are great, but the movements of the faces add a lot....

I asked God to take away my habit.

God said, No.

It is not for me to take away,

but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.

God said, No.

His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.

God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;

it isn't granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.

God said, No.

I give you blessings;

Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.

God said, No.

Suffering draws you apart from

worldly cares

and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.

God said, No.

You must grow on your own,

but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things

that I might enjoy life.

God said, No.

I will give you life,

so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.

God said.... Ahhhh,

finally you have the idea.



May God Bless You,

'To the world you might be one person,

But to one person you just might be the world'

'May the Lord Bless you and keep you,

May the Lord Make his face shine upon you,

And give you Peace......Forever'

'Good friends are like stars...

You don't always see them, But you know they are always there...

Dear Baby,
We all know...A man who travels alone ..travels the fastest..You my dear teach Me how to travel together....
Always Remember dear that you'll be able to easily find your groove and create magic. It's your choice; you can turn whatever you're doing into a game, no matter what it is. It's not the activity, but your attitude that makes the difference between work and play...

I still remember How you happened to befriend a Batch of Japanese tourists entwining them in your little finger with your Childlike Charms and your Bold and Honest Statements...
You Showed us how loud and clear the language of the Human (Humane) Heart can be...
Whatever you can do, or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it...

With Love Mummy..

My Baby cradled in my arms...

Teaching me your gentle charms.

Growing up with you by my side...

Learning from you never to lie.

To understand and not judge too...

Love and kindness I also learned from you.

Through the years I watch you grow...

Teaching me everything I'd need to know.

Listening to every word I've said...

And every word I've wrote you've read...

You are the Tutor of my Dreams...

My little Witch who never Screams...

Love u Dear with all my being...

Here Goes a Poem for u dear...

Mothers Touch...

I’m so afraid with you...I might make a mistake.

To discipline the situation... always a risk to take.

I may get so angry, and yell so loud...

Wanting you to be a good girl, make me proud.

So young in age, though older in mind...

The biggest part of you so loving, gentle and kind.

I want you to have a good future, really succeed.

Working long hours, hard to give you the attention you need.

One day in your future you will know my love is true.

All the sacrifices will be seen, as with you  little girl, wondering what to do.

I look at you so pretty it frightens me, the best reward is molding you into the person you will be.

I see you changing right before my eyes, nervous for I get only so many tries.

Remember friendship will develop later as you become an adult.

After you've lived life and know the way it felt.

I will get you ready for life that can hurt so much

Then and only then...

Will I be thankful I guided you with a mothers touch....

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