Wednesday 24 November 2010

Intuition: What It Is and How You Can Use It!

Written By Expert Azzrian Visions
We are all born with a sixth sense. Sometimes our intuition warns us of upcoming problems but other times we can misread it and take a path that may not be desirable. If you want to know you can trust your intuition, you will want to develop it. Spiritual Advisors spend a lifetime perfecting their sixth sense. But you can work on yours too!

Here are the three main elements to getting in touch with your intuition.

Get in tune with all of your senses: Taste, touch, smell, sight, sound are the basic senses. Your intuition or sixth sense hinges on being able to use your base senses well. In order for you to tap into your intuition, you should take time focusing on all of your other senses, one at a time. Set time aside a few times a week to work on each of your senses. Blindfold yourself, focusing only on the sense of touch. Prepare different textures for you to feel before using the blindfold. Do the same with your sense of taste. Prepare a chocolate tasting party for yourself using different a varied types of light and dark chocolates with different cocoa content levels. Chocolate, like wine, takes on the flavors of the soil and area in which is its grown. Try to pick out the subtle flavors. Do similar projects to increase all of your senses. The idea is to work on the senses you already use before trying to perfect one you are not used to using.

Meditation: First we must dispel the idea that there is a right way and a wrong way to meditate. We have to toss out all the books we have bought telling us we must breathe this way or that way. Meditation is a very personal experience, and the way you want to sit or breathe is completely up to you. Meditation is nothing more than relaxing, being still, silent and allowing the mind to be free. In our busy hustle and bustle world we take so little time for self, for that inner reflection. Turn
everything off. Create a harmonious ambiance around you that will allow you to focus only on yourself. Light a candle or burn incense. By all means turn off your phones! We do not want anything to interrupt your personal time.

Practice: When you start a new job you are given time to adjust to your new surroundings. The same goes for using your intuition. Do not start with the important things in your life. Instead, write a list of simple topics you can practice with before delving into the big stuff! Sit back and consider the question at hand. Ask yourself what you feel on the subject, what you think will happen, what the outcome will be. Keep a journal of your questions/topics and your intuitive response to them. When you ask yourself these questions do not over-think, do not rationalize, do not question what comes to you. Simply take your “gut” reaction which is your intuition and write it down in your journal. Give time for the outcome to happen. When it does, note the results in your journal. Do not expect to be correct all of the time and do not stop practicing. If you continue to work on your base senses, meditate, and put your intuition into daily practice you will discover that in time your abilities are more sharp, easier to hear, and more accurate as well.

Once you begin to see consistent success, (correct outcomes about 70% of the time), you are ready to move on to more serious matters. You can then allow yourself to use your intuition on matters of the heart, work related questions, and more.

Our intuition is a rare and precious gift and an ability we can all learn to use. However, please always remember there is a place for reason and logic as well. By combining all of our base senses, our sixth sense, plus reason and logic, we can achieve wonderful things in our lives.

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