Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Now or Later???

By Dr. Robert Anthony

Are you a "Now" or "Later" person?  Let's define what we mean by
"Now" and "Later".

A "Now" person is one who is consistently drawn towards pleasing
activities, immediate gratification and pleasure. They spend of lot
of time and money on entertainment, TV, food, shopping and mindless

A "Later" person, on the other hand, is drawn toward pleasing
RESULTS instead of pleasing ACTIVITIES. They often have less than
pleasing activities in the moment. They invest their time in taking
care of their health, working extra hours to accomplish a worthy
goal, reading good books, taking additional training to improve
their lives and their business.  They hang out with people who can
stretch their thinking, they themselves follow through, take action,
take risks and are comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Which of these two groups of people do you identify with?  Beware
of becoming seduced by taking the easy way of the "Now" person.
Mastery and money come to those who are willing to accomplish less
than pleasing activities in the moment that are necessary for the
attainment of a long term goal.

Winners take action when others won't. They have integrity, which
simply means their words and behaviors match up. Put it this way -
if you heard me teach one thing and saw me do the opposite
wouldn't it be hard to take me seriously? Take yourself and your
desires seriously and do what you say you are going to do. Give up
the need for immediate gratification and do what you need to do in
the short term to make your dreams come true. In the long term, you
will come out a winner.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! 

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