Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Song Chengxiang

Today I am going to talk to you about an amazing
priciple that is going to blow your mind.

This is one of the most fundamental principles of
the universe. As long as you understand this
principle and put it into practice on a daily
basis, you can not fail to create the success you
desire. This fundamental principle is called the
principle of connection.

The principle of connection says that we are not
separated human beings, we are all connected with
each other and with the universe we live in. Put
into other words, this whole universe is one
unity. We are all part of it, we are all one. I
would like to borrow words from Dr Wayne Dyer,
whose words are full of wisdom. He said that we
were not organisms in the environment, we were
environorganisms. If you think you are separated
from the environment, then try not to breathe for
a moment.

We can't live without the environment. You and
your environment are a single entity. You can't
separate from it. Without the environment, there
will not be you, and without you, there is no
environment. Think of it this way. As you read
the words on the screen, what makes you see the
words? It is the white space behind the words.
The space and the words make this page a whole.
Without any one of them, the page does not exist.

To deeply understand the law of connection, we
should ask ourselves this fundamental question,
"Where do we come from?" The answer to this
question is "We grow out of this environment." Dr
Wayne Dyer used to use the example of a plum tree
to illustrate this point. I found it very
interesting, and would like to share it with you
here. You plant a plum seed into the soil. It
slowly grows - its root, then into trunks, into
branches, leaves, and finally it blossoms and
produces plums. When we see the plum tree, we say
it grows out from this world, we don't say it
comes from another separated world. In the same
way that the plum tree grows out of the world, so
do you too. You are not a separated being from
another world; you simply grow out of this world,
you are an extension of this world, or saying it
in another way, the world is an extension of you.

So everything in this environment is an extension
of you. Knowing this will enable you to create
anything you desire. Since you are your
environment, and your environment is you, then
everything in this environment is a part of you,
including abundance, health, a divine
relationship as well as any material possessions.
All these things are already part of you. In
other words, "at the quantum level, everything
you desire is already given to you." The only
thing you need to do is to materialize it through
the law of attraction. (Go to previous lesson to
review the law of attraction.)

Since everything in this environment is an
extension of you, so are other human beings.
Anyone in this universe is connected with you at
the quantum level.

I was very skeptical about this idea until I
attended a particular seminar. During the
seminar, they taught a simple technique to show
that we are all connected. I was amazed by the
result. I would like to share with you how this
technique worked for me, so that you can also try
it on your own. I had a friend that I had not
seen for years, I knew where she worked, but
never had a chance to meet her again. After I
learned this technique, I decided to try it out,
and use it to find my friend. I wrote the
following sentence on a blank piece of paper. "I
WILL MEET LUCY". By the way, Lucy is not her real
name, I just use it here as an example. After
writing down the words, cancel any repeated
letters in the sentence. For example, there are 3
Ls in this sentence, cancel the other two, only
keep one. After doing this, I only have the
letters "I W L M E T U C Y" The next thing is to
use these capital letters to construct a drawing.
You can draw anything, the drawing does not have
to make any sense, as long as it is made of these
letters. Then before I went to bed that night, I
looked at the drawing, and held a picture of it
in my mind, and then I went to sleep. The next
morning, I totally released it, threw away the
paper, and never thought about it again. This is
because the subconscious mind needs trust, and
the more you trust it, the more it will work for
you. I totally forgot about it, and let the
subconscious work on it. An amazing thing
happened - one week later, I met my friend. I was
so surprised, this stuff works so well.

It is amazing. I now totally believe that we are
all connected.

I hope from this day onwards, you will see the
world from a new perspective. See the world as
part of you, knowing everything you desire is
connected to you at the quantum level. Then you
will begin to see good things manifested from
your world.

How to put this principle into practice?

1. Whenever you feel depressed, remind yourself
that you are not separated. The divine energy of
the universe is always within you. You are
connected to the source energy, and it will bring
all your desires to you through your thoughts.

2. See everyone as part of yourself, show them
love. Repeat "I will love my neighbor as I love
myself" many times today.

3. Look for beauty in everything you come in
contact with, knowing that it is all part of you.

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