Tuesday, 5 April 2011

On Friendship...

Friendship is a balm during difficult times and an added joy in
times of celebration. If you are lucky enough to have people in
your life who have known you for many years, then you realize that
there is a special kind of kinship in being known throughout your
life. If your friends know you well, they can validate how you have
changed and how, after all these years, you haven't. If you have
permission in your friendships, they can remind you of your hidden
talents and encourage you to take the chances you shy away from.

Having a good friend is also about being one. A balanced friendship
is seldom 50/50 all the time. Sometimes one person needs more than
another for a while and then it switches around.  However, a
healthy friendship is not about one person continually being
dependent on another.  As you find yourself higher on the Levels of
Awareness you may find that your friendships change. The people you
were close to in the Victim/Struggle Level are seldom the same
people you want to hang out with when you are in Deliberate

Notice today how you are a good friend. Are there ways that you
could be an even better friend? That might be an interesting
conversation to share with a friend you care about.

"There's a special kind of freedom friends enjoy. Freedom to share
innermost thoughts, to ask a favor, to show their true feelings.
The freedom to simply be themselves."
- Unknown

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  

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