Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Self Transformation By Psychic Tara...

Who’s responsible for your unsatisfactory life?

The question is fundamental, if you want to transform yourself 
and make your life more closely resemble what you would like it 
to be.

First, admit you don’t find your life satisfying 

You have to be open and honest. If your life doesn’t satisfy you,
don’t hide it. Lying to yourself is the worst thing you can do, if 
you really want your dreams to become reality.

I’m fairly certain that you don’t find your life fully satisfying at the
moment. There’s no shame in that. That’s the way it is with most 
people... aside from spiritual masters, saints,and people who 
succeed in other ways.

If your goal is not to become a spiritual master or a saint, then at
least try to make your life a success. It may seem complicated at
first, but if  you follow the advice I give you, it’ll be child’s play.
You’ve probably heard this before, so I won’t spend hours trying to
 convince you. All I ask is that, after I explain the system, you try 
it for yourself before you reject it.

Don’t condemn yourself to never changing 

Preconceived ideas are reflexes that cause a lot of harm in life.
Condemning a method or a point of view because you have a 
preconception it won’t work is like condemning yourself to never

You have every right to reject my system, but only after you’ve
tried it! I have no trouble saying that because I don’t see why a 
method that’s worked for millions of people of all ages, social
standings, races, levels of education and levels of intelligence
... won’t work for you!

Once you admit your life isn’t satisfying, you have to understand
that it’s your fault.

You can’t always blame others. If you’re not successful, you have
to take stock of yourself and find out why. Don’t worry, it’s not hard,
and there’s nothing magic about it.

Don’t feel guilty

You have to admit that your life isn’t what you deserve because, like 
all human beings, you have your faults as well as your qualities. 
Everyone has faults, including you. What you need to do is make a list 
of them on a piece of paper. Make the list as detailed as possible, 
then keep the list with you in a safe place, somewhere you can 
consult it regularly, and work on transforming each of your faults into
qualities, one after the other. It’s the same as losing weight: you have
 to change your eating habits if you want to drop some extra pounds.

You can’t make faults disappear, but you can transform them 

Your success in life depends on your transforming the faults that are
 preventing you from making progress into qualities. Otherwise, how 
can you expect your life to change?

You may have noticed that I didn’t say “get rid of your faults” but rather
 “transform them into qualities.”

In fact, it’s impossible to get rid of your faults altogether. But it is
possible – and highly recommended – that you transform them into 

I don’t know if you make any New Year’s wishes or resolutions. 
The holiday season will soon be upon us, and most people send 
their best wishes for health and a Happy New Year to their friends
 and family. It’s a way of creating positive vibrations and spreading 
them around. It has a beneficial effect on you, and on the people 
who receive your best wishes. People also use the first of the year
to make resolutions, to promise to change something about their 
lives they don’t like. Unfortunately, 
they quickly forget about their promises, or never actually put them 
into practice.

The reason their resolutions fail is that they’re using the wrong 
method. Wanting to get rid of a fault is like sawing off the branch 
you’re sitting on! Our faults are both our worst enemies and our 
best friends. They clearly tell us what we have to change about 
ourselves in order to make progress. Unfortunately, we usually 
consider faults hindrances to change, and try to ignore them.

Your faults are your closest allies 

If that worked for people I’d be the first to say so, and tell
you to continue trying to eliminate your faults. But I know 
you’ll never resolve your problems that way. It’ll only put  
things off for later, until you decide to take them seriously. 
If you don’t, you’ll always be plagued with difficulties.

For example, take people who are afraid to speak out in 
public. One day or other they’ll be forced to, and feel all 
kinds of unpleasant symptoms (anxiety, cramps, accelerated
 heartbeat, cold sweats, etc.) because of their fear. But if 
they’re aware of their shortcoming and work on resolving it 
before they actually have to speak in public, things can work 
out to their advantage, giving them great personal satisfaction. 
They might even get a raise or a promotion, recognition from
 friends, colleagues and associates, and the remuneration that 
goes along with it.

Now ask yourself honestly (no one will know – this is a problem
between you and yourself!): “What are my faults, my defects, 
my fears... and how can I transform them?”

The only thing you risk is success

Just asking yourself this question and feeling free to answer it 
frankly, without any preconceived notions, will do you a lot of 
good. It will represent an important step in transforming your 
personality, and making your existence a success.

If you don’t ask the question your life will continue being 
unsatisfactory until the end of your days. The only thing 
you risk is success.

Good things are going to start happening to you the moment 
you begin practicing, things that will bring you satisfaction 
and profit in all senses of the word. You’ll be asking yourself 
“Why didn’t I know about this method before?”

Believe me when I say there’s a reason this is happening to 
you now. It’s no coincidence. You’ve attained a level where 
you can gain the most profit from it. Just one last piece of 
advice: make sure you visualize your Third Eye and concentrate 
on it every day.

Start Living Your Dream-Life Right Now!

When should your transformation begin? Right away, or as soon
as you finish reading this Good News Letter. Your happiness, 
and the life you merit, are waiting for you. Between them and 
you there’s only one obstacle – you! Let my method perform 
some inner plastic-surgery on your. Take my word for it, 
there’s no easier way!

How To Make Your Inner Transformation A Success

-    Make a list of the faults that are preventing you from 
succeeding. Be honest with yourself. No one is going to judge 
you, and all I want is to help you make progress. Don’t leave 
anything out – list all your faults and fears.
-    Classify the list in order of importance, from most serious 
to least serious, and ask yourself these questions: 
o    Why do I do this?
o    How? Since when?
o    Why does it bother me?
o    Why haven’t I tried to get rid of it before?
-    Now get comfortable, either sitting down or stretched out.
-    Take ten deep abdominal breaths and relax your body, 
visualizing all the parts of your body in the following order: 
feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, 
hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, jaw, forehead, skull, 
upper back, lower back, spine.
-    When you’re completely relaxed, start at the top of your list, 
and generate a positive suggestion in your mind. For example, 
if you want to fight your shyness about public speaking you could 
say "Starting now, I’m very self-confident".

-    Do the exercise regularly, once a day, and note the results. 
That’s the best way to stay motivated.
-    Move on to the second problem on your list only after you’ve 
resolved the first one.
-    Keep your suggestions positive. Say "I’m very self-confident" 
rather than "I’m not afraid anymore".

Three rules for success: Practice, Practice... and more Practice!


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