Monday 21 November 2011

Turn Every Failure into Incredible Success

It happened again, didn’t it? Your great plan failed. You were sure it was going to work, but it didn’t. And you failed. Again. Let’s face it: you’re just a failure, right?
I don’t know if your last failure had to do with finance or romance, with school or work. Even if you’re successful in other areas of your life, when you fail it makes you feel like a failure in everything. How do I know this? Because I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.
Making matters worse is the “advice” you’ll usually get.
“Just stick with it and you’ll eventually succeed.”
“Don’t worry. Something else will come along.”
Hogwash!Sticking it out and doing the same thing repeatedly just leads to more failure. Wait for something else to come along and you’ll be old and decrepit by the time that something else comes along—if it ever does come along. However, there is a surefire way to turn any failure into a success in every area of your life. And it’s easier than you think!
The first thing to overcome failure is to think different about failure. And the first key is understanding this simple truth: You only fail if you give up.
Look at a baby learning to walk. The child falls down repeatedly. But the baby gets up with an adult’s help and eventually with the help of objects such as tables and chairs. If the baby simply repeated what it was doing, it might take years to learn to walk or maybe the baby would never walk at all.
But that baby is not simply sticking with the same thing that resulted in falling. The infant is getting guidance and support from outside sources. The second key, therefore, is this: Get an objective opinion.
Maybe you can do this yourself. If you can get a bit of distance from your “failure” perhaps you can see what you did that resulted in failure. Perhaps you need a mentor to hold your hand and give you guidance.
(And don’t forget to let go—as Faith ext. 9608 says, “Letting go brings you into balance aligning you with your true self. It is the most natural experience on earth to let go of what is hurting you. Letting go frees your mind of the attachment, thereby filling you with peace.”)
If you’re unwilling to fail, it means you are unwillling to take chances and move ahead. Edison tried over 1,000 different substances to make a filament for an electric lightbulb before he succeeded. That was 1,000 failures. But he learned from each failure, turning those “failures” into learning experiences that resulted in eventual success. Key three, then, is that repetition of failure only leads to more failure. Learning from each experience leads to success.
Failures are only failures if you allow them to stop you or if you keep repeating them. The fourth and ultimate key to success is simple: There is no failure, only feedback.
Any time you don’t reach your goals you have not failed unless you stop or repeat what you’re doing. Understand that each time you don’t achieve your goal there is a reason for it. Successful people look for data in what they did that didn’t succeed, process that feedback, and move on toward success.
Your money making scheme didn’t work. Why? What can you learn from it? Do you need more external information? Do you need a mentor? Where will you go from here?
The “love of your life” just broke up with you. Why were you attracted to that type of person? What did you do that made such a person want to break it off? Do you need to change something about yourself to attract and keep the type of person you desire? Do you need to look for a different type of person? Is there someone you can discuss this with?  (“Like with all things, it has to start with us, but a heart is not forever broken, unless we allow it to be.” – Lacy ext. 5494)
If you don’t succeed it’s just a step toward success. Remember, it’s not failure unless you stop or just repeat what resulted in your lack of success. Start thinking along the lines that there is no failure, only feedback. What feedback did you get from the last time you didn’t succeed

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