Sunday 13 November 2011

Girl Power!!!

In today's times, we often hear the phrase "girl power" being
thrown around.  Now, while that sounds like a very empowering
tagline for our gender, I'm not so sure if we've really grasped the
truth behind the concept.
For me, being a woman means wielding a certain set of powers that
men find utterly attractive.  And I believe that once you've
learned to harness the full power of your femininity, drawing in
the quality men will be a DEAD SIMPLE matter.
But first, let's take a good look at what makes up the REAL essence
behind feminine energy.
At the core of this concept lies a nurturing force that's dedicated
to infecting others with the happiness that's within your own soul.
 It's about finding the beauty in living through an artistic and
heartfelt expression, whether it's through singing, dancing or
The feminine essence is driven by the ability to be flirty, playful
and changing your mood at a moment's notice.  It's about finding
the joy in living by sharing the same positive feeling with others.
In the past, women in society were made to follow a soft, meek, and
overly submissive version of this feminine archetype.  That meant
forever being stuck as a homemaker and child-raiser, even if some
women might have preferred a different life.
But of course, times are a-changing aren't they??
In this progressive 21st century, we've got a whole generation of
superwomen who've learned to bring out their masculine sides by
taking on LEADERSHIP roles that require HARD and FAST DECISIONS.
In other words, we women are no longer barred from doing what were
traditionally labeled as "men's jobs".
Putting food on the table? Check.
Changing a flat tire? We got that covered.
Raising a family single-handedly?  Been there, done that!
Programming the VCR? Um...honey, could you come here for a sec?
(Just KIDDING.  Of course we women can get by on our own, even when
it comes to THAT!  Besides, VCRs are soooo '90s!)
So in other words, the modern woman today has gone up the social
ladder to kick ass and take names.  And for me, I wouldn't have it
any other way.
But you know what?  When it comes to the world of dating, men are
still YEARN for their women to have the feminine energy that we
have inside of us.
I'm not talking about wearing soft, frilly dresses or having that
new "it" handbag that came out last week.  It's certainly not about
squeezing into a push-up bra, nor does getting together with the
girls to talk about "Desperate Housewives" constitute being
Like what we mentioned earlier, it's a basic attitude that focuses
on relationships, feelings and communicating on an emotional level.
 Femininity thrives on creating life as well as creating joy within
the lives of those around you!
Now, this is a wonderful gift that you can offer a man, because
your feminine energy evens out his masculine essence.  This is why
opposites attract - your ability to match his purpose-driven,
goal-oriented nature with your feminine power creates a balanced
HARMONY within a relationship.
Think of the contrasting black and white sides of the yin-yang
The masculine essence is about the singularity of purpose and
leading other people towards a meaningful cause.  This energy
enables a man to protect those who are dear to him, like his family
and friends.
That's why the masculine essence seeks a partner who has qualities
that COMPLEMENT his own set of defining traits.
So what I'm really saying here is that it's perfectly fine if
wearing pink and high heels isn't your cup of tea.  Those things
don't make you feminine - not in the truest sense of the word,
It's even fine if your calling in life is to make it big in the
corporate world and assume high-level positions that need a great
amount of responsibility.  In fact, you can "wear the pants" in
most areas of your life if you're so inclined to do so.
In these recent times, it's standard fare for women to put their
masculine sides to good use.  However, you have to understand that
you're going to have to tap into your feminine side if you want to
succeed in the world of dating.
If you dig strong men, you'll especially have to use your womanly
energy to attract them big time.  It simply brings out all his
"manly" traits and drives him to cherish and protect a woman who's
in touch with her feminine side.
Most of all, masculine men are drawn women who are openly proud of
their womanhood. It's very cool to take pride with being on equal
footing with men, but don't be ashamed of the power that your
feminine essence holds.
With that said, I've put together some of the best ways you can
fully realize your feminine side:
#1: Loosen up, seriously.
Look, I understand it's important to take charge of a situation
when the occasion calls for it, such as a high-pressure job or an
emergency.  But when you're going out a man, it's time to put your
hair down and chill out!
Men love women who know when not to take themselves too seriously
and relax into the moment.  A woman's laughter can be the sweetest
music to a guy's ears.
Look at Wonder Woman for crying out loud.  She may fight alongside
Superman, but when she's off the clock, she has no problems
slipping into a slinky dress and enjoying the company of her
friends and dumbstruck suitors.
#2: Flaunt those curves!
Don't ever apologize for having those soft, delicate features that
men go ga-ga over.  Even a lioness ain't bad on the eyes.  Strength
is all good, but embracing the curvaceous part of you gets a man's
motor running.
There's no need to wear clothes that are too risqué.  In fact,
giving the guys just a glimpse of the rest of your body is all you
need to get those hyperactive imaginations working overtime.
That's why they came up with the saying "less is more".  Invest in
some tasteful outfits that flatter the best parts of your body
without revealing more than necessary.  Soft fabrics that flatter
your natural curves work best in giving the men a "sneak preview",
but nothing more than that.
#3: Have fun getting "dolled up".
Some guys like to crack a joke or two about the kind of production
we put on for them.  But once we they get an eyeful of our smooth,
sweet-smelling and well-maintained figures, they sure aren't
complaining then.
Take pleasure in beautifying yourself.  It's one of the perks of
being a woman.  After all, we're the ones having the babies, so we
deserve to pamper our bodies right?
So don't think that you're undermining your femininity or
conforming to men's standards by indulging a bit.  Don't be ashamed
of going crazy with the vanilla-scented shampoo, the cocoa butter
moisturizer, or putting on that peach lipstick.
(Of course, the actual flavors and scents are up to you, but you
get the point!)
#4: Be more tactile.
As some say, women are more inclined towards physical contact than
men, and I don't see anything wrong with that.  You see, guys are
of the notion that women need to give them the go signal before
making contact.
So, go ahead and give occasional, "harmless" touches here and
there, such as briefly placing your hand on his or a tap on the
shoulder.  Then he'll feel it's ok to reciprocate in the same
#5: Allow him to be a man.
Let him open the doors for you or guide you to your seat.  These
are ways for him to express his masculine side, so indulge him and
allow him the warmth of your feminine appreciation.
When a guy moves your couch for you, compliment him on his brute
strength.  At dinner, allow him to tell the receptionist "Smith,
table for two".
When you think about it, you aren't letting him "hold all the
cards".  You're simply giving him the chance to project his
masculine energy which is defined with strength and leadership.
Allowing him the pleasure of doing these things for you will
ultimately encourage him to bring out the protective,
"take-charge-of-things" part of himself.  In the long run, you can
be the strong woman that he can lean on, just remember to let him
explore his masculinity as well.
#6: Be expressive of your feelings
Political correctness notwithstanding, men are usually raised to be
succinct and straight to the point.  On a general scale, guys are
guys because they don't see the point of dilly-dallying or beating
around the bush.
I mean, you've probably seen guys when they get together and drink.
 They're inclined to economize their verbal exchanges and come
right out with what they want to get off their chests.
The feminine essence however, loves to explore emotions in great
detail.  It isn't uncommon for many women to give rich, detailed
accounts about the full range of feelings they had during the most
common, everyday experiences in their lives.
That's just how feminine self-expression works.  Don't assume
though that you can talk to a guy the way you do with your
girlfriends.  Be careful, or you could wear his ears out pretty
What I'm suggesting is for you to be short and sweet when it comes
to conversing with a man - but it certainly wouldn't hurt to
briefly discuss your emotions when the time is right.
For instance, you could tell your guy about the crazy day you had
at the office the other day by making a CONCISE mention of what you
felt during the crush of the workday.  However, you don't need to
rehash every single, gory detail of your emotions.
Exposing him to the world of feelings is enough.  It may very well
encourage him to open up about his own feelings if the mood strikes
Yet, being HALF (or three-fourths at most) as expressive and
lengthy with your emotions as you are with your female friends will
probably do the trick.  The important thing is that the both of you
are meeting each other halfway when it comes to communication.
#7: Learn to be more friendly and make friends.
Remember that feminine energy is all about creating interpersonal
connections between a bustling network of family, friends and
Therefore, a woman with a rich, active social life implies high
value, something the masculine essence seeks.  In other words, it
tells men that she isn't needy for company and is pretty happy with
her life.
More importantly, she'll be a strong, balanced partner if she does
decide to enter a relationship out of her own accord, and not
because she feels "damaged" or "incomplete".  Her self-sufficiency
assures any would-be suitor that he'll be dating a confident,
secure woman who won't pressure him to get married or have kids
just because all her friends are doing it.
Above all, a light-hearted, easy-going and sociable woman will be
less likely to represent the end of a guy's freedom.  That's
because a well-adjusted girl doesn't nag his guy to spend more
quality time with her, or demand him to regularly report his
whereabouts like a parole officer would!

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