Saturday, 15 October 2011

Getting Over Annoyances in Relationships

Every relationship has its minor problems, but some are just downright annoying. Does your partner nervously clear their throat way too often? Does your boyfriend leave his dirty clothes all over the floor? Does your girlfriend constantly nag you in front of your friends? These are some of the most common relationship pet peevesand many of them can be fixed to a certain extent with the promise of compromise. If you don’t take any action and do not apply any attention to these matters, feelings of resentment might come into play. Once resentment sets in your relationship could be set up for a major downfall. Here are the top 6 pet peeves in relationships.
The Nagger
Are you constantly nagged about your dirty laundry, not using the coasters and about household chores? Yes, of course we all need to do our part in a relationship and work together. But if you find that whatever you do to fix the situation never satisfies your partner, there is a nagging problem that needs to be addressed.
The Liar
If your partner tends to say a lot of white lies during your relationship to get out of uncomfortable situations, there could be a chance he or she is lying to you as well. White lies can grow until they become unacceptable and even compulsive. Ask your partner if they want to learn how to be more honest and work with them on it daily. It’s never too late to change.
The Drama Queen
This applies to both men and women. If your partner tends to make situations even bigger than they are and talk about it endlessly, you might have a drama queen on your hands. If they always need to be talked back off the ledge, you might be dealing with a drama lover. Drama lovers thrive on chaos and can even attempt to create when board of regular daily life. If you are with one, step back when they get like this and don’t add fuel to the drama-filled fire.
Promises, Promises
If you or your partner have trouble keeping a promise it could end up being a serious problem. If you or your partner doesn’t appear as though you can be relied on, what does this say about your future as a couple? Relationship pet peeves start out small and then have the possibility to grow into feelings of resentment. The next time you promise your partner you will do something, just do it. It’s as simple as that and it just may save any future complications.
Yes? I Mean No? How About Maybe?
If you or your partner have problems making decisions and if either of you constantly count on the other to plan, organize and make big decisions for the both of you, this is a pet peeve and problem. Once one of you is always making the decisions the other person has given their independence away. This can lead to low self esteem and loss of confidence. Choose your plan of action together as a team and make big decisions through consulting with each other.
The Green Eyed Monster
There is no harm in getting a little jealous when your partner gets glances from other people or is asked out by a colleague at work. Just because people are offering their attention doesn’t mean your mate will run off into the sunset with them. Take it down a notch. Your partner loves you for you. If they are however getting numerous texts, emails and other advances from another individual that is not their family member or general practitioner, you might want to address the situation. While they may not have any care in the world, the loss of trust can still ruin a good relationship. Be honest and address the situation in a calm and peaceful manner. There is no need for screaming and shouting just yet

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